Discussion: When In Doubt, Trump Calls Bush 'Weak'

Discussion for article #244723

Being a bully Mr Trump does not mean you are strong. Being a bully isn’t a policy, it’s a defect.


I agree with Speaker Ryan - talking about the Republican primary is denigrating to the Presidency. And the country. And the human species.

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You know what’s weak, The Donald? It’s being so thin skinned that you need to lash out with childish name calling at every perceived personal slight. That level of insecurity and subsequent lack of self-control is truly weak.

Not that I’m defending Jeb! in any way, mind you…


Their base wants a bully. Not strength, not true toughness, just a bully. They want to scream insults and throw sand in the face of gays, Muslims, immigrants, Progressives, people who favor sensible gun laws, etc. It’s a primal scream for help.

Look at their candidates. Trump, Cruz, Christie, and even Huckabee are classic bullies.


Jeb’s day are numbered. He might as well save his donors some money and pack it up now. Slink off to one of the family compounds in Maine or Florida or Texas for a while, then go back to your cushy corporate gig.

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You know what? He’s right. Bush is weak. And Bush is right about Trump: Trump is unhinged. Congratulations, Republicans. These are your candidates.


That exchange is typical – the fact is seriously alarming that Trump has been staying where he is for this long time without offering any specifics, any facts, any meaningful substance.


I saw that. That was funny. Bush just stood there with a shitty-ass eating grin and looked totally dumbstruck.

Really, I don’t think I’m cut out for watching these goofball GOP debates. The assholes up on that stage piss me off way too much. I imagine this is what its like to watch Faux News 24/7 in 3-D, on steroids, in Dolby surround sound, wearing external sound reduction headphones. I just can’t do it. I feel like I need to take a shower now.

I listened to them lie. I listened to them exaggerate, and I listened to them rant on and on like a bunch of screaming banshees. Holy Histrionics Batman. I listened while they pointed fingers at anyone and everyone but themselves. The feigned outrage using over-the-top rhetoric is more than I think any human being should have to stomach. I’ve never seen so many angry rich white guys in one room at one time with so many mean, unhappy, and horrible things to say…Poor you and boo-hoo.

According to all of them, the world, the country, everything is falling apart and crumbling around us because OBAMA. Blame, blame, blame. Don’t they know he’s not running for President?..From the sounds of it, we’re on the verge of an apocalyptic level of destruction scheduled to hit us any day now, of biblical proportions. I don’t know where they imagine they are.

Most of those assholes are fucking millionaires, who made there money the old fashion way, by getting into politics and making sure it personally paid off to their benefit. The others that aren’t politicians are millionaires too, and then there is fucking tRump, the billionaire, with a whole lot of nothing to say except I’m rich so I’ll know what to do.

I’m not rich. Hell, I’m not really even middle-class though I grew up in the middle-class, and I don’t see the country in the kind of dire straits these jerks do. We have problems sure, but jeez…This was like an audition for drama class. These fuckers are just nuts.


Did anybody watch this? I commend you for it if you did. I chose to listen to oldies but goodies on youtube.

That says it all. They have to see the world in their view otherwise they’d be committing suicide if they had to deal with the fact that the country is doing well, we are the best country in the world and we could kick anyone’s ass in a second if we wanted to, They know it they just have to lie to their stupid base who love to vote against their own self-interests. Most of those people have gotten richer in the last 7 years.


It’s funny and seriously ironic how Trump is whining about how some candidates are insulting New Yorkers when he has insulted nearly every other voting block available.


I watched “Mysteries at the Museum” knowing that if I’d watched the debate my TV would have been broken by heavy objects.

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Thanks. It was less entertaining than the previous ones, but there were a few fun moments.

This particular discussion was not one of them, largely because not a single person on the stage…and strangely enough, the financial moderators…got one of the biggest causes of trade deficits with China. Namely, US based MNCs that setup shop in China because the cost of doing business is cheaper.

So say, Westinghouse decides to make washing machines in China because the labor is cheaper, they can get the facilities for a song and a prayer and there is almost non existent regulations. When they make those washing machines, they then ship them to America to sell. And that shows up as part of a trade deficit with China.

So when you talk about raising tariffs on Chinese imports, its very large, very powerful American corporations that are going to making sure that never happens.

And then when China actually does want to say, flood the US market with cheap solar panels and drive our solar panel companies out of business…Big Oil is more than happy to whisper in someone’s ear to let it happen.


It’s not easy making Jeb Bush into a sympathetic character, but Trump is doing everything possible to make it so. That’s exactly how stupid Donald Trump is. By time the primaries have run their course, I have no doubt the cast lineup will change substantially.

You really hit it. Such immature behavior from actual presidential candidates. I really need to go out with some of my republican friends and get their opinions. Most of them are level headed and this must be driving them nuts! Just f****** nut cakes! BTW, are you from The Beer City?

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You’ve got a point. They are ANGRY people who have reasons to be angry. Problem is they direct their anger at the wrong people. Vote GOP, the very people who have been doing them in the shorts for decades.

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I do not watch broadcast TV – AT ALL – ( it runs down my battery )

Peed a little…goddamn that was hilarious

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Google some images of Mussolini speaking. Notice the similarity in gestures and facial expressions. The pouting, pursed lips, closed eyes, the gesticulations.

Coincidence? Inquiring minds want to know.