Discussion: What's The Deal With Those Wild Prostitution Claims Against A GOP Rep.?

Everybody knows Republican congressmen from Louisiana don’t sleep with prostitutes. Sure, they might visit, but they never stay for breakfast.


Got to give him some credit, at least it wasn’t young boys from the Dominican Republic, a la Rush Limbaugh!


And it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

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I’m sure he doesn’t recall anything …

Pre- parkinsons conditions will do that to ya —

If nothing else this “delicate situation” has elicited some pure Comedy Gold from one of his opponents.

"I want to be very clear that my campaign played absolutely no role in creating this story alleging Congressman Boustany’s sexual relationships with prostitutes that were later murdered, his staff’s alleged involvement in running the bar and hotel where this illicit behavior took place, or publishing the book Murder in the Bayou written by Ethan Brown and published by Simon and Schuster,” state Treasurer John Kennedy, a Republican, said in a statement obtained by the AP.


John Kennedy’s running? As a Republican? Mon dieu!

God, I think I know where they got the plot for the first True Detective now.

Louisiana - all official relationships are as twisted as nests of snakes.

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My money is on the investigative reporter author. He has all the time in the world. He can keep on digging, or God forbid some folks in the Media could. My money is on the reporter. And why did Guillroy have to resign, exactly?

What outlandish accusations? Since when is it outlandish to discover that a Republican politician uses prostitutes? Unusual but not outlandish. Particularly when the politician’s field director and long time aide is known to have co-leased and run an Inn used by the prostitutes who were the subject of several police reports at the time. The aide’s claim of cluelessness as to the activities going on at the Inn does not wash.

Brown reports he has info from the prostitute’s pimp, two informants and access to a statement provided to the police by yet another person. Unless Brown himself is lying this is fairly either fairly conclusive as to Boustany’s contact with the prostitutes or Boustany has been subjected to a very elaborate conspiracy.

What is outlandish was the subsequent murder of 8 prostitutes but the politician is not accused of that.

Just because an accusation is sordid does not make it outlandish.

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Huey Long once said that in Louisiana he could only get in trouble for 2 things: being caught in bed with a live boy or a dead girl. Technically, this pol wasnt caught in bed…