Discussion: What We Know About The Gunman Who Was Sold On The 'Pizzagate' Conspiracy

ActoR+drivEs a Prius= radical LibarD terroriST.


I like my car non-keyed and with intact windows, TYVM.


I guess they didn’t stop for Burger King – maybe they took a slice from Comet Ping Pong to go.

Yes, especially scrumptious while taking a bath!

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I love that.

I may steal it for a bumpersticker myself.

Sorry sniffit - I originally lifted that bumpersticker idea from your reply to sonsofares.

I corrected it.

Today is National Bathtub Party Day. Seriously.

It’s not without limits, though. Threatening to kill someone isn’t a protected right, for example.

It is hell in these times. That rap sheet isn’t much different from mine.

I remember when Whitney Houston died, some news program was breathlessly reciting the inventory of her medicine chest. The list of mild sedatives and over-the-counter sleep aides was pretty much the same as the contents of my own medicine chest, but it sure sounded bad when I heard it read on the news.

As I’ve posted before…people can convince themselves of anything. Actual hard evidence isn’t needed and mostly just gets in the way.
This assault could easily have ended in several deaths and serious injury. I think Alex Jones and his “infowars” cronies bear a lot of culpability and if someone had been injured or killed they should be legally responsible to some extent for spewing their false and inflamatory crap.


Oh, right. The Blaire Welch Project. Loved that one, and a big hit !! Scary stuff…


I understand from a post on nomoremister.blogspot.com that even a lowly pizza restaurant owner is considered a public figure, so that the owner would have to prove actual malice on the part of Alex Jones—that he knew the stories were false but published them anyway. It’s not an impossible task, but a pretty high bar. The blog post was lamenting the fact that there is no Left version of Peter Thiel to finance such a lawsuit.

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A little tidbit from Faux News’ article:

“The son of incoming National Security Adviser Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, also named Michael Flynn, tweeted about Welch’s arrest on Sunday night: “Until #Pizzagate proven to be false, it’ll remain a story. The left seems to forget #PodestaEmails and the many ‘coincidences’ tied to it.””

The article, of course, pins all of this on Bill Clinton for having ridden in Epstein’s pane and thereby “fueled” the “pizzagate” conspiracy.


When I first started posting comments on line, one of the earliest games we used to play was The Fault of Bill Clinton’s p***s. The Clenis was blamed by the right for every damn thing.

Looks like we’re going full circle.


@steviedee111 Mine too. Just never got caught at it. You?

We had days in the 60s and 70s that would make a Cheech & Chong movie look like weak tea. Any goddamned Saturday night that was just a blur among the rest and pretty much went unremarked upon by the group in a matter of days contained hijinks and innocuous, victimless transgressions that would actually make the fricking front page of the paper today.

“High school youth caught with a pound of marijuana and 300 tabs of LSD, selling it to other minors!!!”

Today that’s 5-10 years in the electric chair. Geez.

In my day the local police knew us all. The standard routine in a pullover was “Give us your stuff, pour out your beer, and take the damned party to someone’s house where you’re off the road. You guys know better than this, c’mon!!”

Good lord get him off the streets!

Same here. It was always “give us your stuff, …”

They never poured that out. Kept it for personal use. They knew our stuff was good.

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And for added fun, don’t forget the 220V extra-strength formula.