Discussion: What We Know About The Big-Time Donor Named In Trump Inaugural Subpoena

Soulless, inexperienced nobody.

Trump grift fodder.

Hope he loses everything if the claims are true.


Can we have public campaign financing now, please?

And I want Congress to pass a law saying all inaugural events will be potluck.


Zuberi also reportedly helped build out the guest list for an inaugural breakfast featuring foreign officials and Rep. Devin Nunes (R-CA). The Beast reported Tuesday that federal prosecutors in New York and special counsel Robert Mueller’s office are looking into that event as part of broader probes into possible pay-to-play arrangements at the inauguration.

Nunes, you say? With foreign officials, no less? Can’t wait to see how this plays out. I suspect there’s a roaring fire under this smoke.


Smoke, you say? Surely you jest? This is all just Hillary’s Clouds and Shadows ™. The Trump Administration doesn’t even know what fire looks like.


Where there’s smock, there’s Fyre, or something equally rife with fraud and chicanery.


Reads like a dude who would throw his money to anybody if he thought he would get even the slightest return on his donation. Buying his way in to power like any a bunch of other wealthy fucks. Thanks, SCOTUS.

Not really.


Basically, it seems Zuberi is in the business of buying influence for clients - regardless of the party affiliation of the politicians to be influenced.

You know the Mueller report could shed light on all sorts of corruption in D.C. extending well beyond the Trump administration.


At the same time, the story says, Cohen boasted to Zuberi of access to purported administration plans to drop up to $1 trillion on rebuilding the country’s infrastructure, and reportedly solicited donations from Zuberi to an infrastructure fund.

What?? You mean Trump’s absurd $1 trillion infrastructure scheme using taxpayer funds to subsidize private infrastructure projects was just a slush fund all along and not an incredibly stupid idea that made no sense at all? Who knew?! I thought for sure that legitimate businesses would be repairing dams and bridges if we gave them tax breaks.

Seriously, back in the Bush years it was always a challenge to decide which things were intentionally evil and which things were incompetence. With Trumpers, you should assume any incompetence is meant to cover for the corruption.


So, money doesn’t influence politicians? I have a lovely bridge for sale in Brooklyn.


So this guy threw money to everyone.

A good illustration that the corruption in our government is not just restricted the official party of fascists and racists - and a reminder that we need to do something about the filthy rich while we’re doing something about the fascists and racists.


Zuberi and his wife have also donated to Republican politicians including former Rep. Dana Rohrabacher (R-CA) and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC).

Not interesting at all. Total berder.

Zuberi is as baffled as the public to learn that New York
 federal prosecutors are seeking information about him,
    according to his spokesman.

" I’m just one in a long line of arms dealers …

shootin’ off big guns for all who’ll listen … like everybody else ! " —

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I think the more interesting question here is why just this one guy was called out. His type is rife in the political world, throwing money wherever it may help his business interests (or those of his clients). It’s highly unlikely he was the only person doing this in the inauguration, so why only call him out? Maybe there’s more to what he did, or else he’s just the bait and everyone else who pulled this is scrambling to cover their asses…and open to working with the prosecutors to avoid any publicity.

It’s going to be years before all of the threads of the Trump fiasco are pulled, we’ll be finding out about new corruption for a long time coming. We seem to have one of these kinds of corruption events every 50 years, I guess it was about time after Nixon…hopefully the reforms that come out of this one are as good as those after Nixon, and last longer.


There are probably others who committed the same set of bad acts, but he spoke with Michael Cohen when the others don’t seem to have done so and he made arrangements for a lot of foreign visitors to the inauguration. Both of those facts seem of particular relevance to the Mueller probe, if somewhat tangentially, hence the reason SDNY is taking point.


It’s because he went to USC.

UCLA (19-- to 19–)


My sense is the tRump plan is to continue to commit crimes at such an increasing pace that LE simply can’t keep up.


Some people just have too much money.


Great article, Allegra and Josh!

First Rule of Business: Go for the guy with a wallet as big as the national treasury.

First Rule of Government: Why settle for one project, or national treasury, when you can have two?


THIS will be vitally important when the rightwing and the US media try to use this as another “see? both sides do it!” moment.