Discussion for article #238512
Guns again. Spraying bullets.
In America, conservatives call it “exercising his Second Amendment rights”. Are Texans cheering?
Here’s what I know: because he has a Muslim name he’s immediately called a terrorist, and may well be. But we’re still waiting for the white man who slaughtered nine black people in church specifically to incite a race war to be called the terrorist that he is.
And we’ll have to wait forever because our media will never let it happen lest they infuriate all the Klansmen, John Birchers, birthers, Palin supporters, and other conservative so-called Christians.
Weeeellll, ya know, ev’ry once-tin-a-while ya’s gots-ta water that there tree of liburty with the blood of patriots, ya know. It’s what they call that there “roooteene maint’nance.”
What We Know About Muhammad Youssef Abdulazeez?
Looks like the warnings from the US intelligence community about lone wolf, ISIS inspired attacks is becoming reality, that’s what we knew about him and others like him.
One has to wonder why, in light of those very warnings, sensitive targets like military locations were left unprotected, even forbidding the possession of guns by soldiers on those locations.
The “No Guns” sign on the doors of one of those locations apparently didn’t work…again!!!
“Authorities would not say publicly how the gunman died, but the U.S.
official said investigators believe Chattanooga police fired the shot
that killed him. At least one military commander at the scene also fired
at the gunman with his personal weapon, but forensic investigators
determined that police killed him, the official said.”
Puppies, This quote is from the article which obviously you did not read … and failed to comprehend if you did.
Did you read the article? “Authorities would not say publicly how the gunman died, but the U.S. official said investigators believe Chattanooga police fired the shot that killed him. At least one military commander at the scene also fired at the gunman with his personal weapon, but forensic investigators determined that police killed him, the official said.”
The truth is that the initial advantage in such situations almost always lies with an assailant who chooses the time and place for his assault and often doesn’t care if he dies (may even want to). Even if every single military member had been armed to the teeth, the above would still apply.
FOX News’ collective reaction upon learning the name of the murderer:
Most actual puppies are smarter than “Puppies”.
Bearing in mind that logic and facts are meaningless to an individual with the aptitude to do no better than pull talking points out of his ass, I’ve decided not to feed the animals.
Once Norman Bates figures out no one will be visiting the motel, he’ll pack mommy up in a suitcase and move on to seek masturbatory gratification elsewhere.
It’s Beej/EG/a million other socks. He has never responded in an honest way to superior knowledge, devastating refutations of his illogic and fallacious arguments, common sense, reality—nothing impinges on that funhouse psyche. It’s worse than futile to try to reason with him or talk to him in any way. I feel I’ve wasted my time on the few occasions I don’t follow this rule. Let’s all just ignore him—it’s the only thing that makes sense.
I can tell you have never served yourself or you would KNOW why US military personnel are not allowed to carry personal weapons on base (they can have them on base, just not on their person and loaded.)
Only MPs carry loaded weapons on base outside of the ranges.
Weapons are for killing people. That was made very, very clear on the very first day.
You must check them out and check them back in when on the range.
Heh, heh heh:
A little off topic but here’s something I found appropriate for renaming “Jade Helm” … he he he (chortle):
That’s partly the truth. The fact is that an assailant has to evaluate the possibility of instant retaliation to his/her attack when deciding to attack. The knowledge of the target being unarmed greatly embolden the attacker.
And this is why it’s probably not a great idea to have lots of weapons with large magazines available to any yahoo who wants them. But I’m kinda amused by the idea that there should be armed guards outside recruiting stations carefully searching everyone who comes near. That would help the enlistment numbers a lat.
… yes … because, sadly in the media’s coldly objective assessment of the numbers, all the Klansmen, John Birchers, birthers, Palin supporters, and other conservative so-called Christians and those sympathetic to their views, are aggregated together and given a degree of consideration - because of the magnitude of the number of eyeballs endlessly watching mass-media that they may represent -
They are blaming the liberals and gun-free zones.
Trying to respond to Puppies’ bland drivel is useless. His blockhead is impervious to information and he never has anything insightful or interesting to say. Some commenters here may think they see a glimmer of the possibility of a discussion, but they would be wrong. I generally just scroll right past a Puppies turd.
You are a f^ckwit not worth debating.
About 19 times out of 20 or 39 out of 40—it’s increasing geometrically—I do too. He’s the village idiot, nothing you can do.