Discussion: What The Long-Awaited DOJ IG Report On 2016 Will Cover

The Justice Department’s Inspector General is expected, any day now, to release his much anticipated report on the department’s activities in the lead-up to the 2016 election. The review is mostly focused on DOJ’s handling of the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

Where is the review into the Republican Congress’ obsessive handling of the Hilary Clinton email investigation? Did it result in anything?


Does not matter what the report says it will be spun by Trump and his minions as no collusion and crimes by Hillary and Obama


The denizens of Conservatives4Palin (now, pretty much, an All-Trump-All-the-Time site) think that immediately upon the release of this report, about half the Obama cabinet will be arrested.

I for one look forward to seeing their spirits crushed.


Hannity and the minions on his show have been eagerly awaiting the release of this report for months. Just yesterday Hannity was talking about it with John Solomon and Sara Carter. They think it contains some explosive stuff that bring down everybody- Comey, McCabe, Bruce Ohr, Peter Strzok, Lisa Page, Obama, John Kerry.

Not sure if they really know something or if this will be like the Nunes memo which they puffed up really big and then were disappointed with it. But they are pinning a lot of hopes on this.

I can’t wait for the release of this report just so I don’t have to listen to Hannity and his lackey’s gleefully anticipating it.


Yes. That fellow QAnon has been fueling speculation as well to the effect that this will be the real Draining of the Swamp, that the DOJ’s investigation of Trump’s collusion with the Russians has really been an elaborate sting operation (set up by Trump himself!) designed to ferret out the real criminals (i.e., the ones howling for Trump’s head).

But what’s fueling all that excitement is really just all that pent-up frustration and anger that, despite there being a Republican-controlled Congress for most of Obama’s terms in office, not only did no major scandals occur, but they perceived the Republicans as, at best, ineffective and, at worst, actively facilitating Obama and the Democrats (“Obama gets everything he wants!” was a familiar refrain in those years). So, they see this DOJ report as justice delayed.


“Comey has said that even though he feels “mildly nauseous” that his announcement may have impacted the election, he doesn’t regret sending the letters.”

Of course he doesn’t say ‘why’ he reopened the investigation. Or why, for that matter, he never mentioned the opening of an investigation into Trump and the Russians, 6-8 months before November 2016.


What about the FBI leak to FoxNews’ Brett Baier that Clinton was about to be indicted and that
her server was hacked by 5 foreign intelligence agencies. Both false. Just days before the election.

  1. Sources within the FBI have told Baier that an indictment is “likely” in the case of pay-for-play at the Clinton Foundation, “barring some obstruction in some way” from the Justice Department.

  2. FBI sources say with 99% accuracy that Hillary Clinton’s server has been hacked by at least five foreign intelligence agencies, and that information have been taken from it.


Can they point to the time between 2009-2016 where Obama got Peace on Earth and Good Will Towards Men?


I don’t expect the IG report to produce anything of significance.
But “Not sure if they really know something”? Definitely not. If they had anything we would already know it, but it truly does not matter what this report says. Because as sure as a lie goes into Hannity’s head to live and be spewed out forever, they will never accept yes or no to anything. The slightest matter will yet raise “more questions”, and a nothing will mean the Deep State is just that much deeper. They must destroy today for a better tomorrow and every day is a new day.


I don’t expect the IG report to produce anything of significance.
But it will have no effect on Troll Nation. If there were anything serious I think e would already know it. But it truly does not matter what this report says. Because as sure as a lie goes into Hannity’s head to live and be spewed out forever, they will never accept yes or no to anything. The slightest matter will yet raise “more questions”, and a nothing will mean the Deep State is just that much deeper. They must destroy today for a better tomorrow and every day is a new day.


Unless this report talks about anti-Clinton FBI leaks, particularly to Rudy Giuliani, it means nothing.



Now, perhaps the IG can get on to investigating actual fucking crimes?


There’s a very good chance the report will lay bare ways in which the FBI was working to damage Clinton and elect Trump. Recall, for example, weird vampire Rudy Giuliani cackling about then current members of the FBI leaking things to him.


Bill Clinton’s tarmac meeting with then-Attorney General Loretta Lynch, which angered Republicans.

It wasn’t real anger, it was false anger to get the media to report on the GOP whining over a non-event, one they completely fell for and one any rational being would have realized was a non-issue (hint: there are these things called phones, which individuals can use if they want to hide a nefarious meeting from the public).


What kind of masochist are you, listening to Hannity???


Some type of hate watching. It’s so full of lies, half truths, obfuscation and convoluted logic.

More of a way to catch the President’s Daily Briefing. It would be funny if the POTUS didn’t take it seriously.


I don’t expect the IG report to produce anything of significance.

I’ve been wondering about that, too. Especially when I see Seth Abramson absolutely, positively sure that it will be damning in the extreme. I keep thinking: what’s your plan B if that’s not the case?


Everything that is being addressed are serious issues that needed to be addressed. There was the perception that the NY FBI office was unduly influencing the campaign. This was out there, Rudy said those things.

No country can remain free if perceptions like this are allowed to go on. It is gratifying that these issues are being addressed.


Does it seem to you, as it does to me, that Sean (“Hi, Sluggo, how’s Nancy?”) Hannity has been indulging in a wee bit of day-drinking at times, at least before his radio show?
I couldn’t blame him – he’s at least ankle-deep in this stuff. He aired Julian Assange numerous times. He was Michael Cohen’s mysterious 3rd client and the cover story is very shallow: he called a friend a few times, who happened to be a lawyer, to chat about real estate. Right – and the lawyer had copious files on these casual chats?
What blows me away about Sluggo (and Russian Limbaugh who also touts this line of inquiry to a lesser degree) is how they’re completely oblivious to a fact that they must understand and never speak outloud – Mueller, the FBI, et al, have a few years worth of intercepts and hard data that, unlike their own blather of a Deep State conspiracy, is solid evidence of wrongdoing. Near as I can tell, treating their audience like a mushroom crop is a desperate attempt to hold on through November in hopes the Soviet Republican majorities survive.
They must know that at best they’re only delaying the inevitable.