“It’s (Almost) Mueller Time!”
So while Mueller is making his moves… Trump makes noises that sound like that time he wanted Army Tanks as part of the inauguration. https://twitter.com/SteveKopack/status/909860227712942081
Y’all put these oversized .jpgs up and no one can reach through them to comment without replying to your post. Annoying.
Mueller is looking at 45’s involvement in the Miss Universe pageant there, also too.
Trump in Moscow: what happened at Miss Universe in 2013
The pageant and the president’s attempts to get close to Putin have become a focus of the investigation into Trump’s links to Russian interference in the US election
Trump in Moscow: what happened at Miss Universe in 2013 | Donald Trump | The Guardian
Kinda OT: every time I read the line in an article stating “no evidence of this crime has been reported” as if the lack of reporting of evidence of a crime is a corollary to there being nor crime committed frustrates the hell out of me.
It’s like the reporting assumes all evidence of the crimes Mueller is investigating have been released to the public. When has any investigation/prosecution presented all evidence of a crime during the investigation/pre-prosecution stage?
Something tells me Facebook is not entirely innocent in this endeavor.
I just copy and paste. Sorry if I annoyed you.
That was the kind of reporting that snaps the hazy outlines of really bad stuff into much greater focus. Just imagine how much more the professional investigators are getting with the legal power to compel the provision of any records and testimony they want. Nothing’s guaranteed but if you ask me, Trump’s dead meat.
Will Mueller’s revelations with the Russian Facebook ad buys prompt Congress to do anything to curtail foreign interference into the integrity of US elections? Kobach should look into that.
I think most folks here understand that perfectly well, although you’re correct that there’s a probably unintentional implication there that could be misleading. We have one frequent poster, I’ll label him, although other terms apply, who attempts to exploit that potential for misunderstanding, but everyone just slaps their knees and laughs when he does it. So no worries.
HEY! I deny that accusation!!! Besides, you got it all wrong. That’s not what i meant. Why are you always trying to put words in my mouth? It would be a lot easier if you just ignored everything i said! Misunderstanding, geeze! Why i oughtta…
Fake news.
Not sure what you’re referring to. The commenting software, for reasons known only to itself, has stopped showing uploaded or pasted images. If you click on the “broken image” frame, you can see the image. And you can always just scroll past it. Please describe the situation in which it’s necessary to reply to the post in order to do something.
Wow—just like those explosive surprise courtroom confessions from the audience that ended every single Perry Mason show. Bailiff, take him away!
Size is a factor. It smells a like a bug related to a recent update.
I’ve posted a bunch of pics today by dragging them into the comment box, however they were all pretty small. I haven’t had a failure yet when the size is like 200x200.
Thanks for that explanation. I thought it was just my limited computer capacity refusing to load an image; usually when I get these “broken image” icons it doesn’t help to click on them. But here it worked! And I suspect this will help to reduce the page loading problems of heavily illustrated comment pages.
[quote=“antisachetdethe, post:6, topic:62405”]
Mueller is looking at 45’s involvement in the Miss Universe pageant there, also too
[/quote]That’s quite an article in The Guardian. And you absolutely know those relationships and money connections did not begin and end around a music video and beauty pageant.