As usual in Trumplandia, lots of noise, but no substance. Sad.
Because why would we need the National Security Adviser and the administration’s Russia expert in a meeting with Putin? We can just take Rex’s word for it, right Rex? It’s not like you guys are hiding something and making sure there’s no witnesses to your crimes. Right Rex?
So if Bob Mueller won’t take Putin’s word for it he’s really gotta go.*
*Not snark. Some derivation of that “logic” will be presented when Trump returns.
Before we can effectively put the hacking behind us, you have to correct the problem. It is like a leak in the roof. After it stops raining, you can put it behind you but if you don’t fix the roof, the problem will repeat and rot the structure.
“. . . the two Presidents agreed to continue discussing how to secure a commitment that the Russian government won’t interfere in U.S. affairs both now and in the future.”
In other words, status quo. Russia will continue to interfere with our elections and “Whack Job” Trump and his gang will do nothing to stop it. Why should he, as long as the Russians and our Whack Job “president” benefit from it.
Clearly our country is being sold down the river to a Russian “sphere of influence.”
Say this for Neville Chamberlain: he only sold out other countries to his country’s worst enemy.
Update from Munich Hamburg:
Yes, Donny, that’s your hand alright.
Fuck Trump. The Russians attacked our election. That was an act of war. What Trump is doing is surrender.
Whenever there is evidence of Democratic malfeasance, the Republicans insist it must be investigated to the fullest permissible extent, even if it bankrupts the Treasury. However, whenever there is evidence of Republican malfeasance, it is time to “move on”, and not focus on the past.
I hope Mr. Mueller’s investigation is keeping track of all this.
Donnie further incriminating himself on a global platform.
Well played, Donnie…
It kept Hillary out of the White House. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. To the GOP Putin is a hero.
”It’s not clear to me that we will ever come to some agreed upon resolution of that question between the two nations. So the question is, what do we do now?”
Start hiring a boatload of really good criminal-defense lawyers?
(Or, alternatively, fire Mr. Mueller.)
OK. So let me get this straight: Putin didn’t use a rubber? Or did he?
They refuse to answer this question, but I think it’s important that our leaders send a safe-sex message to the world. You know: For the children.
Whereas the Greens just think Putin’s very misunderstood and unjustly vilified.
Geez, I just finished dinner.
Now I am fighting to keep it down…
I’m troubled, nay, disheartened!!
why is the Russian-language caption “Take my country, please…”?
(With profuse apologies to Henny Youngman)
Saying this is an intractable situation and we should just move on because Putin continues to lie is like saying we should move on from the OJ murders because he still hasn’t admitted it!
Sheez. The guy is guilty and Trump wants to keep kissing his ass!
So the two main conspirators want to “move on” from the crime? Well, color me shocked!
Yeah, officer, I know I just robbed that bank, but can’t we just move past it?
C’mon, people – let’s not argue and bicker over who killed who . . .
So is Robert Mueller.