Discussion for article #225256
Well if it depends on an “undisturbed debris field” and the “black box” there is going to be a mess of “grey”. That debris field has been worked over like an Easter egg hunt.
What he’s saying is a little contradictory, isn’t it.
Yep, many (most?) of his “musts” are entirely impossible.
I suppose “interview ALL” includes the Russian separatists?
…incredible detachment from reality,
BREAKING: Shots fired by rebels at international team of investigators (OSCE) in Ukraine as they approach plane wreckage, via @KiritRadia
— Terry Moran (@TerryMoran) July 18, 2014
Rebel militias walking back claim they found #MH17 black boxes yday, per Interfax. And Foreign Minister Lavrov says Russia won't take them
— Kirit Radia (@KiritRadia) July 18, 2014
There has been reporting that the debris field has been looted. We already know separatists who were involved int he shoot down have gone through parts of it in the radio intercepts that show them realizing they screwed up big time in their missile strike. And the black box has been reported as already in Russian hands (less than trustworthy IMHO) so most of what this retired Gen. is calling has already been rendered no longer operative.
I saw this picture on and MSNC feed last night.
Very suspicious how it’s all piled up like that.
Yes, the same separatists who have probably already disappeared across the border in Russia and destroyed evidence at the scene.
The only thing that will change with this tragedy is that more Countries have a reason to be pissed at Russia…. It might lead to more substantive sanctions down the road.
I’m sure the separatists and their Russian advisors will make sure the miles long debris field is left in pristine, undisturbed condition.
How about the mystery of the MISSING jet? You know, that OTHER Malaysian plane…
Looking for two “black boxes” – Flight Data Recorder and Cockpit Voice Recorder – and one Quick Access Recorder.
If it was a missile strike/hit, the flight data recorder and/or the cockpit voice recorder may not tell anyone very much.
Flag it and bag it.
If it is typical the voice recorder last words will be “oh shit!”
I’ll be very surprised if this crime is solved conclusively. It is hard not to imagine that the FSB and assorted siloviki have not already combed the site at least once. Anything implicating Russian complicity will have been vacuumed up by now.
This will end much like the previous Malaysian Airlines catastrophe, except we will know for certain where the aircraft is, and families will have the remains of loved ones to bury.
Call me a cynic, but I don’t think we will ever have conclusive evidence of what happened; not if Putin and his thugs can work their magic.
Perhaps not conclusive, but … US officials claim to have radar telemetry of the launch and impact, as well as thermal imagery of the impact bloom. Depending on how much the Gov is willing to expose, there very well could be concrete evidence of the missile’s launch point, trajectory, and impact.
The US has been sweeping the Ukraine with enough radiation to cook a bird in flight since before Gary Powers flew his infamous mission. It would not surprise me – nor any student of Cold War history – if the US gov suddenly coughed up ironclad proof of the events leading up to this inhuman tragedy.
CNN broke away from an interview with the Pope with a breaking news alert that the Ukraine Malaysia Flight crash was DEFINITELY NOT caused by aliens.
Unless, as he says, “first media reports are hardly ever correct.”
The title is misleading since Obama has said evidence indicates that flight MH17 was shot down by a surface-to-air missile launched from a rebel-controlled area of Ukraine.
The black boxes will tell investigators what the aircraft was doing before it was shot down and they might be able to determine where the missile struck the aircraft. And, if they are really lucky, they might find components of the missile in the debris field or blast residue in the wreckage.
The real questions are who ordered the attack and why. And, where did they get the missile used to shootdown MH17.
These are no longer real questions.
The black boxes will only show a nice flight until suddenly everything went kablooeey. They’re not able to tell anything about missile tracking or impact.
No one will find any missile debris because the vermin who shot it down are also the vermin who are shooting at international inspectors while at the same time looting the crash site.
“Who ordered the attack” is a bunch of drunk goons sitting on top of a SA-11 launcher that they barely understood to be trained at a Ukrainian transport. Where they got the launcher is a depot seized a few weeks back (they bragged about it incessantly up until yesterday, when they suddenly scrubbed all their social media posts and pix). Why they aimed the missile at a civilian airliner is because they saw a speck in the sky and figured, hey why not.