Discussion: What In The World Is Devin Nunes Up To?

He’ll gonna injure his spine from such heavy water carrying.

Oh, wait a sec, He doesn’t have one.


Which is why he didn’t share info with certain parties.

But he certainly got the attention of those few people he did inform.



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Nunes defended his conduct, claiming the intelligence reports he has seen have “nothing to do with the Russian investigation”

So not only is Donald embroiled in Russia’s influence over our elections, he was also on the phone with someone the FBI was surveilling for possible criminal conduct, that is entirely separate from Russia. Nunes both admits to his own partisan criminal doings and Trump being caught up in not one, but at least two, criminal investigations.


Looks like you’ve picked up a flea.


Yes! What in the world is this guy doing making public this information!
Are the Trump administration and Republicans on the hill just all going nuts!
What is going on!

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O my god that would be incredibly stupid. hahahahahahahahahahaha

But what the hell - he’s stupid enough to think that being swept up in a number of surveillence events pursuant to FISA court warrants is a vindication of his nonsense instead of the cue that it is to say: Fuck me! And run.



If this GOP Congress were in power during Watergate, they would have helped Nixon with the cover-up.


I bet Paul Ryan could shoot himself right now.

hahahahahahahahahahahaha Yeah it’s going to be a snap to corral that caucus now, Paulie. hahahahahahahaha


Preemptively pardon? Is that the same as “confer immunity”? Pretty sure that’s not what clemency means…


i agree that we have lost the republican party. this is a good thing. still have hope for the republic. ralph, this is not just an american problem. fascism and hate are on the rise in many countries. russia especially is not our friend and a huge threat to peace.


Btw all…Today on Fresh Air (NPR) they had on Jane Mayer to discuss her article that appeared in The New Yorker involving the Mercers, the Russians and Trump…oh my…for those that missed it. The interview was done by that other guy, not Terry Gross, but it was good. I heard about 2/3rds of it before I had to go out for an appointment. I plan on listening to it again as they repeat the program in the evening here.


Lumpy Rutherford does Costa-Gavras…


What’s Nunes up to? Check out this conversation between Michael Smerconish and Michael Hayden this weekend. I have no great love for either of these people (especially Hayden, one of Bush’s top torture defenders) but Hayden does know the intel process, and explains “incidental collection” and “masking” in some detail. He predicts that the White House Nunes would use exactly this as something to latch on to dishonestly prove Trump’s original contention.


Obstruction of Justice! #LockHimUp


We had a good run :wink:


“Nunes rushed to the White House to brief Trump on his recent findings at the same time that his committee is in the middle of an ongoing investigation into Russia’s interference in the election, which includes a probe into ties between Trump allies and Russian officials.”

That should be referred immediately to the ethics committee.


Uh oh. McCain says neither Nunes nor Schiff can do the job.

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McCain and Graham are running their own independent investigation in the Senate I read the other day. Don’t know if it has a thing to do with that statement, just find it interesting.


So, I’m reading that he has a net worth of $250K, not much by Darryl Issa standards. And, that he has investment in a winery that does business with Russia. Any correlation between this and his lips on 45’s nethers?

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