Discussion: What Happens To Obamacare Now?

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Remember, if you have insurance at work or are on Medicare and think this won’t affect you:
Oh, hell YES it will.

Your insurance at work now covers, without co-pays, things like mammograms and flu shots. That was part of the ACA. Ditto contraception for workers (except for those employed by ultra Christianists). Insurance companies had larger networks, so enjoyed some economies of scale in staffing that indirectly cut costs for workplace plans and Medicare plans. Seniors with Part D coverage frequently enjoyed price cuts from insurance companies defining one formulary to use with Part D, workplace, and marketplace plans.

And the list goes on and on. I suspect the Republicans will continue the bit about younger people staying on their parents’ plans until age 26. But most of the other stuff will probably vanish (most likely because Republicans will let insurers decide on their own what they want to do and not do).

Save your money, folks, 'cause wherever you get your health care coverage, anything and everything will soon cost more for less.


All of this uncertainty arising during the enrollment period too.


Thank you Virginia voters. It’s not your fault.


“The smart thing would be to have an alternative ready to go as soon as the repeal bill passes and have something waiting” to replace Obamacare, Pye told TPM Wednesday morning.

Looking back on all the “smart things” Rethuglicans have done for America … oh, wait.


In an orgy power grab, the Senate filibuster will die, and Obamacare will die. That’s just in the first couple of months.


HO recently talked about Health Savings Accounts in a speech he gave, or that Mike Pence gave for him. So, I guess, you save your money and pay for your own care? He spoke of it like it was some amazing new concept but I think they’ve been around as an option for a long time.

This is so disheartening.


I don’t think they will be able to kill the ACA simply because too many people benefit from it. It’s a political issue and they risk alienating some of the very people that elected them if they undermine the system.


You’re overthinking it. They will just repeal and put in some nonsense like selling insurance policies across state lines, then blame Obama and Obamacare for the chaos that results from the repeal. We never should have had it in the first place, they will argue. They were never serious about the “replace” part. That was to placate people. Mostly, they want to wipe Obama’s presidency from history.


I think you’re right. You can’t replace a pipe wrench with anything that doesn’t do what a pipe wrench does…so another pipe wrench. It’s damn certain the GOP isn’t going to put an ACA by another name out there. I think they’ll can it very quickly. Just as soon as Trump’s behind the desk he’ll get the legislation and without thought he’ll sign it. It’s part of the show. It’s gone.


You’re not paying attention.


good luck with that. they couldn’t come up with a serious plan in 6 years. because the ACA was a conservative plan to preserve the private insurance market.

they didn’t want a public option, because the insurance companies knew that they couldn’t compete, and they also didn’t want to work for less profits either.

now the republican own healthcare, because they control all 3 branches of government. they can’t escape it now.


don’t underestimate people’s ability to vote against their own interest out of fear.


If the Republicans tinker, they’ll drive up insurance rates even more than already. If they repeal, they’ll kick kids off their parents’ policies and drive up insurance rates even more than already. With either of these tracks are headed towards either rationed health care or a barebones single-payer or both, with insurers doing the rationing, with choice of doctor heading right out the window, and with likely widespread cuts among healthcare providers. Unless they have the brains to restore the risk corridors and take the successful Arkansas and Massachusetts programs national.


yep. They’ll kill it by the end of January, so they can install whatever RWNJ the NutJobinChief nominates.


C’mon people, the filibuster will be gone the first time it impedes making America great.

And repeal it they will, and then they’ll pass something that does nothing but help the Health Insurers and Big Pharma and WE will get to pay for it. And the Rich will get richer and then they’ll privatize Medicare and Social Security and then they’ll destroy pensions and the Unions, so there you go, Richer even more.

Then they’ll get rid of the CFPB, EPA, Education, and Medicaid. Then it’ll be like the good ole days of America’s blossoming. And we all better start carrying our papers around, because we’ll be needing them too.

Then the only question is whether we go bankrupt first, or become a police state then go bankrupt.


I hope that the GOP fucks up so much shit right away… yes … it will be very painful ----

But maybe then we’ll only have to endure it for 2 years instead of 4 —

We’ll take the senate in 2018 and , once again, begin repairs —


That will work out great, who can afford to save money for health care that will cost tens of thousands of dollars? I am on Medicare with Kaiser Advantage. ER and a day and a half hospitalized under observation. $10,000. All covered but one kidney stone can be extremely expensive. And people are saving for retirement, college for kids, etc. not much left In the budget.


I already have an email in my inbox that says my health insurance will be changing. I’m pretty certain that’s not for the better.


I wouldn’t get your hopes up on the mid terms. Dems have far more seats to protect than Reps. 25 D, 8 Reps.