Discussion for article #242780
All the dog and pony show, by the gop, has shown just how weak we are as a nation…internationally and nationally…the gop has weakened us by dividing us…a divided nation cannot withstand assaults from the outside, and we will crumble from within…the corporations who own the media, the think tanks, and most of the republican politicians in and around this nation, are the enemy of democracy…look at what is going on in our Nation…it is obvious that we have been divided along the lines of Race, Bigotry, Greed…the greediest at the top, while grinding down the rest of us in an insane poverty loop…the corporations must be cast out of our government…The Constitution belongs to the People of this Nation…not to the corporate fascists…
Still hating all things Obama, Senators of the R (dain bramaged) persuasion find their majority suffering from a few members who insist on representing their constituents on those rare occasions that coincide with reelection prospects. After seven years of obstruction to all things Obama the Republicans have also vandalized their own ability to work as a group. Up a tree. Again.
Republican wannabees probably don’t know PBHO is not running again, and are even more focused on hating all things Obama. While the Senators struggle to chop bits off Obamacare, the Biggest Loser reality show contestants promise to jack the whole law, and throw millions of people back to the gentle loving care of insurance industry executives. Their plan is simplicity simplified. Their voters will no longer have to worry about some of their tax dollars going to pay for somebody else’s health care. Tea Baggers oddly enough think this will lead to a tax cut for them instead of corporations. Huh. And the really great part of it is no one will need to buy health insurance because they can all just go to the Emergency Department of any hospital and get what ever health care they urgently need free for nothing. Yup. Our Republican brethren have cooked up a mighty tasty pie for their voters to enjoy. Some day…
“I am Yertle the Turtle of Salamasond!” - Mitch McOpposition
At this point, the consequences of a full repeal of the ACA would most likely be an ushering in of single payer, Medicare for all.
While some Republicans are asking the GOP to scale back on the repeal, other more conservative lawmakers – particularly those running for president – are pushing the Senate to go farther than the semi-repeal bill the House GOP already passed, and that includes getting rid of the Medicaid expansion.
Of course the GOP Presidential candidates are pushing to go further, even thought they know it will doom the bill. That’s a feature, not a bug - they want to look tough, but they actually don’t want repeal yet, because they want to preserve the issue for the general election.
And while a few of those candidates might actually balk at repealing the ACA once they became president and were faced with reality, more of them fantasize about personally taking away people’s healthcare when they are president (Hi, Ted Cruz!), and don’t want it repealed until they can take presidential credit for it.
The only glue that holds the Republic party together is their hatred of the black man in the White House.
And that hate is going to double when Hillary is elected.
This is why conservatism, regardless of any temporary gains, is ultimately doomed to fail. Because when reality bites, it bites hard.
Damned if they do…Damned if they don’t —
Hatred has backed them into a corner —
“they want to look tough, but they actually don’t want repeal yet”
So the part of the country that has the largest Obamacare enrollment is Hialeah, a suburb of Miami that is overwhelmingly Cuban (i.e. - 99.999% Cuban). Of course my Cuban hermanos have traditionally voted Republican. 2012 saw a shift thanks to the younger generation of Cubans, but Marco is the pride of joy of the exile community, those older Cubans that make Cuba policy their top issue.
I wonder how the Cuban community will reconcile supporting a candidate that wants to take away abuela’s (grandma’s) healthcare?
There is still no viable “replacement”, which Republicans had promised, and have had years to come up with now. Nothing. That’s all you need to know about the current state of the party. They were elected on manufactured rage, and that alone. Not ideas or a way forward, or a history of policies that work that they’d continue. Nope. Blind, manufactured, wool-over-your-eyes rage that borders on delusion. Now that Obamacare is working by covering more people through expanded Medicaid, I still stand by my claim that it’s only a matter of time before Republicans are taking full credit for the law.
I don’t think you are right. Republicans would never vote for this enormous expansion of federal authority. Repeal of Obamacare would be repeal. Full stop. So, I think it is a self-deluding fantasy to think that the road to Single Payer (the hope of the political left) will be paved by Republican repeal of Obamacare. We need to rid ourselves of these kinds of fantasies and, instead, develop a realistic expansion of Obamacare as the alternative to the Republican repeal agenda.
I also think (and I’m not attributing this belief to hjs62) that the not-uncommon sentiment that Obamacare repeal would lead to Single Payer is an example of “a million people are a statistic” cruelty that–well, I’m not going over the top and say it’s Stalinesque, because no. But the idea that it’s no big deal if millions of people endure the anxiety of uninsurance, that tens or hundreds of thousands go through the receding, but not yet vanquished, horror of medical bankruptcy and that tens of thousands die for however many years of post-Obamacare collapse it takes to get to single payer is simply evil. It’s “ends justify the means” at its worst. A reduction of a policy goal to a Maltese Falcon quest–a shiny bauble sought by people who’ve so lost themselves in the quest that the object has become secondary even as the means they’re willing to use to get it become ever more extreme.
Why anyone would ever elect a gop/bag is beyond me.
They are completely worthless whiners and highly dangerous to the country!
Flatulent flailling indeed.
Fourth Estate Fail.
That’s the long and the short of the actual existence of the Republican Party as we know it.
- The “false equivalence”
- The Republicans employed as actual, but criminally negligent, MSM “journalists”
- The complete corporate-for-profit takeover of broadcast journalism
- Atrophy of good newspapers
- Dearth of GOOD newspaper patronage to get actual news
- Talk Radio
- Decline of civics study necessary to demand decent journalism
Both the butterknife treatment of Republican politicians, coupled with their now refusal to even contemplate accountability for lies told tells the Story.
How could any nation (even this one) withstand that?
If the United States were the size of the U.K. (sans the Commonwealth), it would be roughly the size of the states of Virginia and North Carolina. Perhaps we would have had a chance against the above journalistic malpractice and poisons. Maybe then (with the benefit of modern transportation) we could have been able to try to reach other better rather than to depend almost wholly on cybercontact and blogs…or (much worse) people like the cadaverous Andrea Mitchell or reptilian Chuck Todd playing their horrible “HorseRace” schtick (instead of doing their duty as journalists by framing the cultish reality of the G.O.P.).
I don’t know either NC or VA, but I can look at a map and see the land mass size. Maybe people from areas as close to each other as Winchester to Wilmington… or Charlotte to Alexandria would have been able to come together and actually talk about ISSUES…instead of Outsourcing politicial participation to the most racist, hateful, zenophobic, sexist, insular, intolerant, homogeneous and, yes, stupid of all Americans.
As it is…I am praying that one of the Democrats can at least stem the tide by ascending to the Presidency, providing a few years more of Climate semi-saving and time for Millennials to, somehow, educate themselves about civics (things my generation did little to help them with) and, perhaps do whatever it takes to rescue the United States House of Representatives, along with most State Governorships, Legislatures and State Officials, from the aforementioned control of the types of individuals listed in my last paragraph.