Discussion: What Exactly Happened In Yorkville?

Discussion for article #236903

Knowing what you know now, would you have voted for Denny for speaker?


Yorkville in the 60’s thru 80’s was a small town. There has to be more than one person who knows the answer. I’m shocked that the liberal media elite aren’t pounding on doors out there.


My guess is illegitimate child.


I don’t know what we’ll learn but my freak meter is peaking.


Eh, that doesn’t seem millions of dollars worth to cover up especially since he’s out of politics. I can’t see how that would hurt his lobbying gig.


Mine is a male, and underage. That’s the only kind of shame that warrants that money in Hastert’s world.

ETA: I feel alternately creepy for gross gossipy speculation, then I remember we’re talking about that asshole Denny Hastert, and I don’t feel so bad.


Also: Somebody there has recently come into a nice sum of money – has nobody done any conspicuous spending of late?


I think he’s an awful guy. First, there’s the policies he championed. Then there’s the corruption – how much money he had when he went into public service, vs. how much he had when he came out. Now there’s what we know already – that he was paying a blackmailer enormous sums.

Despite that, waiting for the other shoe to drop is pretty awful. It’s like we’re about see a guy get torn apart in the Roman Coliseum or something. Every report says, “We don’t know what he did, but what could a high school gym teacher have possibly done that would warrant $3.5 million in blackmail?” It’s a bit of a dog whistle.

I wish the wheels of justice could turn quietly on their own, and we could just skip the circus.


Penn State redux.


In other news, Hastert was just named to the US soccer squad for the 2016 FIFA world cup.

He used to be Warren Beatty


It may be a while before the public gets some answers to those questions. BuzzFeed News reported on Thursday, based on anonymous sources, that the prosecutor in the case, U.S. Attorney Zachary T. Fardon, struck a deal with Hastert’s lawyers to withhold explicit details from the indictment.

I always thought blackmail is a crime

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He was managing the Yorkville white slave trade?

whatever happened to Aaron Schock anyways?


Heck, I’m just thrilled he’s been nailed and I’ll be happy to wait to see what happened.


I initially thought this was a sexual scandal with one of his student athletes. Now I don’t believe the prosecutors would have allowed that information to be beheld since it is also a crime even if the statue of limitations would apply. It’s probably more likely it’s sex with a consenting male adult or a love child.

If this makes it less unseemly:

¨A September 2005 article in Vanity Fair revealed that during her work, former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds had heard Turkish wiretap targets boast of covert relations with Hastert. The article states, “the targets reportedly discussed giving Hastert tens of thousands of dollars in surreptitious payments in exchange for political favors and information.”[38] A spokesman for Hastert later denied the claims, relating them to the Jennifer Aniston-Brad Pitt breakup.[41] Following his congressional career, Hastert received a $35,000 per month contract lobbying on behalf of Turkey.¨ And there’s lots more examples of his rottenness.

That man is corrupt scum.


I was afraid the 2016 Election Cycle would burn up all the crazy stuff early and sizzle to a dull, premature click-less (for Josh Marshall) end. I appear to have been mistaken.

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He’s definitely a very bad person. But I saw people gather outside of a penitentiary once, singing songs, in celebration of an execution that was going on inside. Even if the guy was guilty (it wasn’t clear that he was), that gathering would have been very ugly.

I don’t want to do that now.