Discussion: What Endorsement? Ryan Is About To Roll Out His Counter Message To Trump

As the NYT article persuasively argues, Trump not Ryan rules the GOP. After all, the Donald has already demolished the Ryan agenda at the ballot box.

But there is a dee-licious parallel of irony in all this. Ryan’s new program is entitled “A Better Way”. Real fans of House of Cards will immediately recognize that moniker as identical to that of the enfeebled Conservative PM who shortly after his election is deposed by Francis Urquhart


Yeah, good luck with the Ryan. You had your chance to save at least part of the GOP by saying, “Trump is the nominee, but I don’t support him or his policies… This is what we actually stand for.”

Instead you decided to cave, then try and turn the path of the avalanche from inside… Sometimes the only solution is to not board the Titanic in the first place.


Ah yes, the Contract[sic] on America, updated for the 21st Century by House Speaker Baby Blue Eyes.


No health coverage.
No Social Security.
No voting rights.
No tax breaks (on incomes less than $500,000).
No wages.
No benefits.
No overtime.
No low-interest loans.
No jobs.
No disease-free meat.
No drinking water.
No infrastructure.

Drill, baby, drill.


it writes itself

  1. we hate brown people (but don’t say so out loud)

  2. the poor deserve to be poor

  3. we love the unborn, but screw you once you’re breathing

  4. we love rich people and businesses. money makes right

  5. the environment is a commie plot


Speaker* Ryan, didn’t you mean to title your plan “The Same Old Way”? “Selling insurance across state lines in 3…2…1…”

*Interestingly, I ran across the NBC News feed from the Kennedy assassination, and it struck me that the anchors were alternatively referring to President Kennedy - both before and after his death was confirmed - as “President Kennedy” and “Mr. Kennedy”. Same with Lyndon Johnson. One of the Imperial touches of our late Republic is this reverence of temporal elected titles we now have - i.e. Leader Pelosi - that somehow attach themselves to the temporary holders for life. I believe it’s a Southern tradition that’s gone national. Like dogwhistling.

So I wonder what happens when Trump starts running against the republicans in Congress as well as against Hillary.

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A classic example of talking out of both sides of one’s mouth. What the logic is of endorsing Trum, and the putting out a counter message I can’t begin to fathom. Dana “Dick Whisperer” Milbank wrote a fairy scathing column about Paul Ryan and the GOP’s craven embrace of Trump.


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But look at who would be in his place – Cruz!!! How could they pick anyone else?

Mitt Romney is waiting in the wings–tanned, rested, and ready.


Beginning next week, Ryan will roll out policy plans to target issues from poverty to tax reform. The plans are not intended to be legislation that the GOP-controlled Congress actually votes on.

So empty words? Typical for Republicans. They like to do nothing.

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A switch and bait, if you will…

A runners high must be some good stuff. It would have to be to come up with nonsense like this.

Unless of course you’re trying to subtly degrade the individual. On Fox they frequently referred to HRC as “Mrs. Clinton”.

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I don’t think Cruz will do it now. It was a sign from G-d when Carly got pushed off the stage by his daughter.

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Ryan and the Republican Party have a real dilemma. They see Trump pursuing a “campaign” that is undisciplined, ignorant and dismissive of policy and managing to insult and offend pretty much everyone whose votes he needs.

Ryan wants to re-direct attention to conservative policies in the belief that focus on these issues will win the Party votes. I think he’s mistaken about that, but as a strategy, it’s undoubtedly better than the direction Trump is heading in.

Ryan’s problem is that Trump won’t go along with this, and probably isn’t capable of exercising the discipline required to do so. In addition, he’s ignorant about policy and seems to believe that that’s ok.

Ryan is going to find himself having to answer for every offensive comment Trump makes, every lie he tells, throughout the campaign. I believe that the prospect of having to defend this guy every day for the next 5 months is going to deter many potential Vice Presidential candidates, or at least those who aren’t desparate for a shot at the national stage.


I’d like this if it wasn’t so abhorrent.


Really!? I’m still waiting for Eddie Munster’s tax reform plan. So ambitious – or so glaringly defective – that there’s no indication that Mr. Etch-A-Sketch ever got a look at it – or at least not a look that he was willing to share with the public.

Just like I’m waiting for his predecessor’s #1 Job, the Jobs Plan

Just like I’m waiting for the Republiscum health plan .

Just another Republiscum four-flusher, like John Boehner, Mitch McConnell, Bah Humbug, and Ted Nugent. And to think that this piece of trump is #1 after the Vice-President in the line of succession.

This lot are done. I can feel it in my bones. Ryan has lost all credibility. I cannot believe that someone like him could endorse someone like Trump. What on earth was he thinking which if course is a rhetorical question.