Discussion: WH: Trump's Weekends At Mar-A-Lago Are 'Part Of Being President'

Perhaps they should reassess the value of the “southern white house” and adjust his property taxes according. A southern white house has to be worth more than just a plain old obscene mansion. Or perhaps a special assessment for additional security.


So, Trump’s family members can’t come to the WH??? Trump’s family is too good for staying in the WH? Also, the WH is way more secure for having important meeting. The country golf club owned by Trump, not so much.


Not for long…the Orange Shitgibbon is going down. Mark my words.


Weak, low-energy President Trump needs to start doing his job! SAD!


I think he and his team of clowns should stay down there.for all time.

Just 'cause old folks are losing Meals on Wheels to pay for it doesn’t mean it’s not presidential.


“So Much Winning!” (how much does the Fla resort net each weekend?)

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Sean we know the president works 7 days a week, does the cable go out every weekend at the White House so he can only watch cable news at Mar-A-Lago?

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Spicer’s comments are akin to an enabler rationalizing a drunkard wife beater.


FINALLY… coverage of abuse of Presidential privilege that would have Obama impeached by now. I always thought, hoped is more like it, that Trump’s selfish, thoughtless behavior would grease the skids to his demise. More than anything else, this could be a sign of the beginning of the end. He pushes past every limit and finally the pushback is here.


And this is another item to bring to your Republican Congresscritter’s attention. Either the President act fiscally responsible or you make him act fiscally responsible, capisce?


Funny. If going to Mar-A-Lago is part of being President, why can’t I recall Obama ever going there?


TRUMPf makes frequent trips to MARALAGO to meet with people he doesn’t want AMERICANS to know about…why do you think the RUSSIAN ‘spy’ SHIPS are anchored off_shore? from the ship to TRUMPfs brothel is a short helicopter trip…MARA LAGO does look like a brothel…it is the ugliest ‘,mansion’ on the island…it sat empty for years…only a TRUMPf would like it.

he even works on the golf course!

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He continued, ‘And we all know that this president is a selfish, entitled douche who cares about nothing except his own desires and ego gratification. So there’s that.’


Ranchers in Kansas are having to kill their cattle because of drought, wildfires, etc. and here’s what they want of they man they voted for. How could they not know in advance he’d be totally indifferent to what happens in the middle of the country.

“This is the country that elected Donald Trump,” said Garth Gardiner, driving a pickup across the 48,000-acre Angus beef ranch he runs with his two brothers. They lost about 500 cows in the fires. “I think he’d be doing himself a favor to come out and visit us.”

Mr. Gardiner voted for Mr. Trump, and said he just wanted to hear a presidential mention of the fires amid Mr. Trump’s tweets about the rapper Snoop Dogg, the East Coast blizzard and the rudeness of the press corps.

“Two sentences would go a long way,” Mr. Gardiner said.


I wonder what the moment was like when Spicer realized he would never be good at anything, so he decided that his calling in life was to be the worst person at his job.

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And the all men only club. Notice he took ABE to FL but not Angela Merkle - do we dare conclude that this is misogynistic behavior?

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Pence first…

“This is where he goes to see his family. He brings people down there. This is part of being President.”

And before then it was part of being Trump, and will always be, until somebody puts him into a straitjacket or jail (preferably both).

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