The 1040Sleazy
I know people who believe that Trump has shared his tax returns. Amazeballs.
“I love Wikileaks.”
“Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find Trump’s tax returns that are missing,”
Like ‘Many Americans’ but you know who didn’t file for extensions, Spanky? Barack Obama. Bill Clinton. They paid their taxes and released their goddamn returns.
You chickenshit petty mob boss wannabe.
Trump releases his taxes!
Why even bother trying to hide an obvious Rickrolling?
So Mueller has to wait until October to get ahold of his tax returns?
What about the ones that were under audit? Time to release those, don’t you think? I’m thinking that must be the longest damn audit ever.
I’m hoping that the Cohen FBI raid snagged decades of Dotards tax returns…
Apparently in the Trump Lexicon, Fraudulent now equals Complex…