Yeah, for sure. Anita Hill heartily agrees.
…and AGAIN. Those pesky women…always trying to trip Donnie up. Because it’s ALL ABOUT HIM and his circle of flying harpies (Kellyanne, Ronna, Sarah) will swoop in to assure him that these horrible women will not prevail. What a fking mess.
They want to be able to attack and slur her, using the platform of the offices they hold, but not let her appear in a setting that would give everyone a chance to evaluate her credibility.
My Fave
This line of attack on the victim is likely to inspire a raft of angry, vitriolic jokes, the kind we heard in response to Alan Greenspan’s, “with a few notable exceptions” BS from several years ago.
Yeah I remember that one going viral. Something about her expression whispers “martial arts training” to me.
Some because complete lack of self-respect, see Sarah Huckabee Sanders
I think the answer to the White House’s rhetorical question should be delivered by all the women who stepped forward during the Presidential Campaign with credible claims that Donald J. Trump had sexually assaulted them. I also think that the women who recently came forward to disclose that President George H. W. Bush had a lifetime habit of groping and grabbing women posing for pictures with him might also provide answers about why a victim might not report such an assault immediately contemporaneously. I also think that in the answer, someone should just drop the words contemporaneous notes, like James Comey’s contemporaneous notes. Just to piss Donald Trump off and require his mental therapy aides to spend a couple of hours detaching him from the ceiling.
The allegation is corroborated, both with detailed notes from Ford’s therapy session years ago and with a passed polygraph test administered by the FBI.
If Kavanaugh and his friend are telling the truth, they should be willing to submit to an FBI interview and polygraph also.
Kavanaugh went to an all male school, how in the hell did they find 65 women to swear he was a nice guy and treated girls well back then? They should instead question about thirty of his male classmates, I’m betting at least a half dozen or so would be truthful.
Cheetoh Twitler has been eerily silent this morning. How long can his aides keep distracting him with storms, flooding, tariffs and wooden spoons? He must be getting ready to completely blow a gasket.
I’m more than leery of polygraphs becoming the be all and end all arbiters of whether a person is being truthful. What’s next, we just skip trials before a jury?
“Sir, did you murder the deceased, found shot in an alley on November 13th, 2017?”
“Hmm, our polygraph analyst has rendered the conculsion you’re lying, off to Death Row you go. Next!”
I’m on board with your POV. I’m guessing that the GOP has likely been guilty of using it as a cudgel in the past when it best suits their needs so it’s worth it for the amusement factor alone to see how they might respond to any requests for its use here or to disavow its veracity (validity?).
But it is not just Trump, it’s Grassley and other Republicans that have know about this allegation since before the confirmation hearings. Let’s focus on why there is a letter of 65 women who knew Kavanaugh in High School. Why did they (Republicans) have this letter ready to go? It had to take time for 65 women to be found and interviewed.
I have no idea if she would have been blamed, I was too young at that time but, I wondered if people would have dismissed it as no harm no foul? She wasn’t raped or “hurt” so why the big fuss? At least that’s my limited memory from a very young age or how people (I think) would have reacted
Franken’s accusers were believed and taken at face value without any of them submitting to an FBI interview. The interview part is more important than the actual polygraph because I’ve heard it’s a felony to lie to the FBI. Then again, I don’t think Franken being railroaded out of the Senate had anything to do with the actual allegations. I believe they were an excuse to get rid of him for breaking Senate rules that go back a couple hundred years.
men and women who have been sexually abused and assaulted often don’t tell anyone at the time. And the men and women of the GOP, intent on propping up their russian operative, know this. shame on them.
My recollection of that time (I was in grad school) is like yours. The response to the sexual assault would be along the lines of, “Hey, girl, you got lucky. Learn the lesson from this experience.” If necessary, someone would tell her what the lesson was (don’t be drinking around boys and stick with your girlfriends and watch out for each other).
it shames me to say it
now now dear, she’s doing the lord’s work
good point troth - please contact the broadcast media outlets of your choice and write the same. they need to know that people would appreciate journalistic examination of this matter.