Discussion: WH Starts Casting About For New Fed Candidates With Less Baggage


Try the baggage terminal at LaGuardia, Donnie…


How about trying a candidate with “some qualifications”.


“We are talking to a number of candidates,” Kudlow said.

So…Oleg Deripaska and Viktor Vekselberg?


The transition period after the election now seems like a couple of administrations ago,* but I remember those background articles that talked about how, even then, establishment Republicans who would have been the types to serve in these kinds of positions weren’t exactly excitedly returning the Trump Transition Team’s phone calls. And now that their prescience seems spot-on and Trump has turned his administration and party into a big ol’ vanity project, well, look at what’s adhering to the bottom of the barrel when you have to scrape like they do now . . . and finally, to the Senate GOPers’ (very) small credit, look at them say No.

Little victories.

*in no small part because the amount of turnover we’ve seen in this administration equals that of a couple of administrations . . .


This is like the Donner party trying to recruit plus-size volunteers…

They know it’s gonna end badly…


And so, having put forward a couple of known incompetents who were sure to fail, they will try to make us feel as if they are more reasonable by putting up a couple of right winger tools who have less baggage, but are likely to be just as destructive.


Maybe Kim Kardashian, she knows about money and as an added bonus she has “the look” he likes for his reality show presidency.

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They can’t afford the pay cuts.

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Is the “My Pillow” guy not available?


too radical!

WH Starts Casting About For New Fed Candidates With Less Baggage

Old Man Potter?

Scrooge McDuck?

Michael Milken?

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As soon as Republican support became less than guaranteed

aww come on, lets have another “funny” and give bachman a shot at it
It would fit in with all the hilarity about to consume us…
Is it thrusday yet???
errr 1 more day.

Let’s skip to chase and just have Trump nominate one of his children to the Fed. We know that’s what he really wants to do.

Key is the 3rd word on the headline, “Casting” as in for a reality show???