reporters asked the “the same question over and over and over again.”
… cause there is a different answer each time.
Sarah Hamhock: “Just because you guys continue to ask the same question over and over and over again doesn’t mean that we have to keep coming up with new things to say. We’ve addressed it. We’ve addressed it extensively. And there’s nothing new to add to this conversation.”
No Sarah, it just means that it is about time you started telling the truth.
We realize that telling the truth is a difficult challenge, but you should at least try it sometime.
WTF not, Hamhock? It’s a storm that’s not going away, at least until Mueller-time…
This is about what happens when you yell at a dog that pulled the roast chicken off the table. It’ll respond the same way every time you yell at it. But that doesn’t mean it didn’t do it.
Fair enough. But we have some questions about Stephanie Clifford.
Earlier in the briefing, Sanders declined to answer reporters’ questions, simply repeating that Trump has denied Daniels’ allegations and referring further questions to Cohen.
That non-answer is exactly why the press will keep asking the question, Sarah.
I still say the press corps should start boycotting these sessions. Why listen to this woman tell lies and make excuses? Better yet, attend the “briefing” but don’t ask a single question, or turn their backs to her. She’s a disgrace, just like the man she works for.
O/T: Does anyone know why this thread is no longer accepting replies?
Sarah. Has the President ever had sexual relations with that woman?
A troll elicited too many flags from other users and so they locked the thread and have cleaned it.
Too many flags.
So Sarah (as a reporter holds up a print pic of Trump’s dick, taken from Stormy’s DVD) can you prove this isn’t the President’s tiny winkie?
I just saw video of Sanders claiming that Trump wasn’t going to focus on this - he’s too busy running the country! Yesterday, his day started at 11:30 for the intelligence report. At 12:30, he had lunch with Pence.
So busy.
Thanks. I’ve always been surprised at the lack of trolls here. They must run a tight ship. Must have been triggering the gun nuts.
Thanks, jjwhack.
Well, eternal vigilance is the price of liberty, especially freedom from trolls. Most regular posters have developed a keen nose for them. We flag 'em and the mods bag 'em.
Stormy made $130,000 to not answer any questions about Trump.
I wonder how much Sarah makes to do that.
Either a gun nut, a Trumpanzee, or a member of the St. Petersburg Detatchment of Trolls.