I guess it’s OK to shoot my neighbor’s dog, before it bites me.
“What happened if we didn’t act and somebody was killed?” Spicer said.
You would blame Obama.
Next question…
Poor spice rack isn’t going to last a month.
No doubt about it.
Chimps beat up, murder and then cannibalise their former tyrant
This is Pascal’s wager for autocrats.
Except that all of the 9/11 hijackers would have gotten through, since Trump’s business interests take precedence over National Security.
Nice try, Spicey.
What a pathetic weasel excuse. 10s of Thousands are killed EVERY YEAR due to ridiculously lax gun regulations. Yet I don’t see Trump banning guns. 10s of Thousands are killed EVERY YEAR by so-called Christians in the USA, yet I don’t see Trump banning folks from Christian nations.
What utter bullsh*te.
These next 4-8 years are going go make me LOATHE the Presidency. I just hope whoever’s next can heal what this assh0les are going to do.
And what if one of our troops or some other American overseas is killed because of Trump’s ban, you stupid motherfucker? I have a hard time believing either you or Donald or any other members of your Nazi-suckling junta will take responsibility for it. You’ll probably blame CNN and the NYT and sunspots and too many regulations and Hillary’s emails and Benghazi and bears, oh my!
Is Trump a plant by Obama to ensure that his legacy as a really wonderful President is cemented into the history books?
Trump: I am preventing a 9/11, Benghazi, World War etc. All on day 1. Guys give me some credit.
FOX: Thanks to Sir Trump, you are all alive(unfortunately). Liberals are ingrates.
Authoritarian loving conservatives think this way and love this rhetoric.
Asking this level of conservatives try to figure out intelligent evidence-based policy is like asking a hog to figure out a wrist watch.
Spice Boy, what if you weren’t an overeager kiss ass flunky to a demagogic moron and we didn’t have to listen to you. Ooh, ooh, I think I’ve got the beginning of a tweet.
@castor_troy “That’s A Spicy Meatball!” (showing my age with this one)
@clauscph You’re not having a good week when this happens. If he had half a brain he’d be dangerous.
scolded by his boss, pilloried as a liar, hammered by journalists, mocked by Stephen Colbert, taunted by the freeze-dried ice cream brand Dippin’ Dots and held up as the poster child for an administration that can play fast and loose with the facts.
Hey boy, people die every day. Americans killing Americans is an everyday occurrence. How about we require guns be registered?
Everybody who needed to be involved was involved: Bannon and his puppet Trump. God forbid anyone who actually knows what they’re doing be asked about it.
What happens if someone from Saudi Arabia or Pakistan kills someone here? Who are they going to blame that on? (I know, I know. Obama).
Timothy McVeigh? Dylan Roof? Ted Kascynski? Jeffrey Dahmer??
Refugees and immigrants, all of 'em.
Yup, that’s the answer.
Oh, Vanilla Spice is on a roll ! I can’t wait for today’s WH Presser !
Watch Syria open a new “Trump Towers & Golf” outside Damascus tomorrow, and be removed from the ban list by Wednesday.
“Or tripped and fell? Did you ever think about that, libtards???”
It must be especially gratifying for all those folks on the ground who work through this tough, thankless work to have your integrity, work ethic and dedication called into question by walking sack of crap. And his spokesman.