Discussion: WH Spokesman: Clinton Has Most Experience In Recent History To Be Prez

Yes she is and I am very impressed with how tough she is. Running for president takes an incredible amount of stamina and I honestly didn’t believe she had it in her - but I am pleasantly surprised and I am 100% in her camp. I sent my first money last night. Go Hillary


Let the poor man and his family get on with their lives. They all deserve it.


Well according to Hillary 2008, Obama wasn’t even qualified to be Vice President.

Wolfson added that what Clinton views as Obama’s failure to pass that test would disqualify him as a vice presidential pick, since a vice president must be prepared to step into the presidency at a moment’s notice.


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I know but I dont want him to go. I do know he will go on to do great things


Relax fucktard media

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Tilley’s ghost just runs with the lede.

Well damn. It looks like the United States is just going to have to shut down for a while. No one has the qualifications to run this place.


You are still at this huh? She never said Sanders wasn’t qualified - no matter how much you try to indicate otherwise. Even JoeSkar said she didn’t, Sanders folks read a headline and stuck their feet in their mouth


It’s 2016, what bearing does that at all have on the current campaign, other than a not-so-subtle attempt to trash HRC?


Don’t know about the rest of you but I think Earnest is the best WH press secretary since Salinger. (I realize that may perplex some of the younger TPMers but really, no one else comes to mind.)
(Of course it’s always possible that I have early onset Alzheimer’s… :-))


With comments like Schultz’, I think Bernie will gain more support, a sort of jiu jitsu politics like Trump. The more they remind We The People that Hillary is the establishment choice, the less support she’ll have (my hope, anyhow, considering how so many now dislike the establishment personalities). These comments sound like a speech supporting Bernie to me, considering the disgust with the establishment of We The People. The last person I want anymore is an “insider”, because they are what have destroyed and continue to destroy our lives. I could be a better president than Hillary, in my humble opinion. So could you.


If I thought you are serious in expressing your humble opinion, I would call it arrogant not humble.


Sorry you feel that way. I doubt a majority of Americans would agree with you though.

Republicans need a lot of work, and I’d like to see what dems could actually get accomplished if they had control of Congress and a less partisan Supreme Court.

We have two parties in this country, and I don’t see the rise of a viable third party any time soon. So pick one of the remaining, work to elect better candidates, and vote in every single, stinking election, even for dog catcher, if you get a chance. Take some responsibility for the way things are, and stop blaming all your problems on everybody and everything.

Whining and complaining and railing against “the Establishment” is a waste of your time.


Shorter Krugman, Delong, Baker et al on Sanders.


No, We The People aren’t disgusted with the establishment (geez, between the Sanders fans and Ted Cruz, that word means absolutely nothing anymore). There is nothing nor anyone more “establishment” than the standard bearer of our party who happens to be the President of the United States, and that guy’s approval numbers continue to creep upwards and he enjoys the approval of some 80% of the party. So, you’re only speaking for less than 20% of the Democratic Party, so you might quit with the “we” stuff and instead go with “me and a few of my buddies”.

Speak for yourself, but I suspect that’s a sentiment held by a fairly large percentage of both Trump and Sanders supporters, that your lives have been destroyed and you’d like someone else to blame.


Robert Reich nailed it when he said Clinton is best qualified to be president of the system we now have, but Bernie is best qualified to be president of the system we should have.


No, I don’t think Bernie is that person AT ALL. He may have the right message, but he’s definitely the wrong messenger, because he has no concrete plans to achieve any solutions.

I think we’ve got some people out there who will be much more successful.




peaceful_moi - Apparently then, Reich, and by implication, you, want to completely redo the financial structure of the world’s most successful democracy and turn it into a Socialist as opposed to Capitalist, system.

I have yet to see an argument in support of doing that that I thought was at all sane.

I think it’s all drivel, frankly. It’s a pretty extreme position and not really achievable.

Now, Capitalism, like all systems, needs checks and balances - i.e. regulations. That’s a conversation to have. But this idea that we can convert to a Danish style Socialist economy is really pretty wild.


As a south-paw, I fully endorse this comment. :wink:


Southpaw here. I was already called arrogant today so it’s probably best I don’t also purport to be smarter than everyone!