Discussion: WH Says NK Threatening To Withdraw From Talks Was 'Fully Expected'

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Really the best word for Huckabee-Sanders persona is grotesque.


“The President is very used (sic) and ready for tough negotiations, and
if they want to meet, we’ll be ready, and if they don’t, that’s okay

So… Meh, whatever? That’s some tough negotiating right there let me tell you!


“Best negotiator?”

A pathetic obligatory suckup to the only person in the world who doesn’t realize it’s a pathetic obligatory suckup.

He isn’t the best negotiator in the room when he is alone.


Like, grody, man!

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I totally believe Slanders because this WH is staffed with prescient and stable geniuses.

P.S. I never realized before just how similar Spanky’s and Charlie Brown’s hair is…

@imkmu3 - it has the stink of “I didn’t want to come to your stupid birthday party anyway!”


Yes, he’s the best negotiator. Just look at his signature campaign promise of building a wall and having Mexico pay for it. Those negotiations with Mexico are textbook brilliance.


Oh yeah, they TOTALLY expected this. That’s why the grabber-in-cheif was awarding himself the Nobel Peace Prize. Becausehe expected negotiations to fall apart. Yeah.


Bolton’s comments had the desired effect.Trump is very cross that his Nobel prize is slipping away.


That is why Trump says he like chaos. Because anything can happen. That way he avoids responsibility like he has done his entire life whether it is not serving the country in Vietnam, paying off his debts, and lying about everything.


Trump is playing three-dimensional chess. His pawn jumped over the bishop, was promoted to King, then promply castled with the Queen.


This is literally the same thing as saying “Heads I win, tails you lose” and expecting nobody to notice. It’s a laughably crude scam, as in normally it’s meant as a joke, and the people who are actually fooled are the people you can fool all of the time. And so it goes.


Even though it was always obvious (to everyone except senior people in the administration) that this was going to happen, it’s honestly pretty incredible how much of the political media took Kim’s statements and actions at face value and uncritically reported the administration’s extremely favorable take on events. The number of Very Serious People going “oh wow! He may have actually solved this thing” was/is pretty incredible.


“I meant to do that”


“something that we fully expected.”

SUUUUURE it was, Aunt Lydia

Oi, Josh! Can we have something about Rep. Raul Labrador of the Idaho 1st losing in the GOP gubernatorial primary last night? Labrador is one of the founders of the Teabaggers and a Quitter from more than a YEAR ago after he got his ass roasted during a Town Hall in 2017.

According to my database, ol’ Raul said at a town hall of 800 in Lewiston, ID that was grilling him on health care, and I quote, "Nobody dies because they don’t have access to health care. California Sen, Kamala Harris later apologized to laughter at one of HER town halls after bursting out with “What the fuck was THAT?”

Three days after the remark, Labrador filed paperwork for the governorship of Idaho and said this would be his last term in Congress.

How right you were, snowflake


Anyone familiar with Mexican Culture will recognize that the WH statement about expecting this NK toughening stance will be reminded of this guy…

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It is just that he fully expected another asshole to act like his own. Doesn’t really mean he had a plan to deal with it, since we know his deal making skills are much less than advertised.

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I read that, too. It made my heart soar like an eagle. (H/t: Chief Dan George)
Labrador is pretty disgusting, and his loss is sweet. And the guy is so anti-gay that you just know he’s got a rent boy on the side somewhere.


Exactly! My first thought as well! :laughing: