Well, it’s not like he really wanted to tell penis jokes to the Boy Scouts.
“White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders maintained Tuesday that President Donald Trump was just joking when he endorsed police abuse in a speech to law enforcement officers last week.”
Kathy Griffin was unavailable for comment.
Yeah, empower Law Enforcement to blow cases due to open-and-shut violation of due process and other rights.
I guess it was just a matter of time before Trump started to “root” for the defendants.
It’s his future.
Seriously, what cop would want to put his or her hand on Trump’s hair?
Empower them to use clubs and fists on suspects. That’s not empowering law enforcement, it’s empowering law breaking.
Is it the worst job in the worst Presidency?
and she seems to enjoy it
Sick fuck
Spending the whole press conference Trumpsplaining what that fuckwad really meant to say.
No chance even remote that actual policy would be discussed
Like cleaning up after the elephants in a parade.
Nice work if you can get it
Yep. Bullying and threatening and telling jokes that aren’t funny ALWAYS empowers the people I work with.
The President’s rape material is much under appreciated. It kills in New Jersey and Philly. The pedophilia wise cracks illicit groans pretty much anywhere north of the Mason-Dixon, although combining child sex with bestiality gets a hearty yuck-yuck with the military crowds. I’ve e-mailed him, asking for some mother-in-law abuse and arson stuff but haven’t heard back. The guy is a riot!!
They have to call animal control for that.
“he wants to empower our law enforcement”
Indeed. All fascists do. And like they say, it’s the shoes that make the man, right? Will Ivanka, Secretary of Fashion, be designing the new standard issue jack boots?
Maybe the hobnails should be silver. The retro mono-color is simply garrish, no?
Bitch, puh-leeze.
Pathetic faceplant.
That’s what I said to HR. Later a security guard watched me empty my desk and helped me to my car.
Poor Glower. All the mean people in the press treat her mean just because all her clothes are from Walmart.
Millions of Americans don’t understand that you are innocent until proven guilty. Until they are brought in for questioning. Then they understand it.
That’s a terrible thing to say about Sarah Huckabee Sanders. We’re very fortunate as Americans to have such a pillar of integrity for our W.H. Press Secretary. And think how blessed her three children are to have this godly woman as their mother and mentor. (I wonder if Sarah is able to look her children in the eye.)
It is crystal clear that Trump is an ends justifies the means kind of guy. Constitution be damned
If he really wants to help law enforcement, he’d stop condoning police brutality. Nothing worse than that in terms of driving a wedge between a community and it’s police department.
Joke or not, and it wasn’t, shame on him.