Discussion: WH On Dems' Subpoena: 'We're Not Going To Deal' With Nadler 'In That Manner'


“so there’s a new closer on the mound…”


You don’t get any more choices. You are going to do what the law and the Democrats tell you to do.


Junior Sarah Sanders here can say whatever he wants, but it’s actually the Justice Department that has to come up with a reason why HJC isn’t entitled to this material. And then defend that rationale in the courts, if necessary.


Can we do like the Whitehouse has been doing, and just request a jump to the Supreme Court? Let’s get this party going!


“Look, we’re not going to deal with Jerry Nadler in that manner,” he said. “We have already cooperated so much with House Democrats and we will continue to do so, but the fact is this is just more political grandstanding by someone who has nothing to run on, nothing to talk about, other than trying to attack a man, who has now been proven completely innocent of any crime.”


A Rollie Fingers he ain’t


just convene a select committee to consider drafting articles of impeachment already.

  1. subpoenas issued by such a committee are pretty much bulletproof, according to all relevant court precedents

  2. setting up such a committee does not commit the Democrats to an actual impeachment attempt – indeed, Pelosi can say that she does not intend to vote on impeachment unless there is bipartisan support, and that the committee exists to gather the evidence necessary to garner that support.


Next time I’m objecting to discovery requests, I must remember to include “Objection: Defendant objects to this request and refuses to respond on the grounds that if relevant and responsive documents are provided, Plaintiff will likely demand further documents in the future.”


The WH wants impeachment. They have no policy, but Trump and his minions live for battle. Prediction: The WH will stonewall and insult the House majority and its committee chairs until impeachment proceedings become the only way forward.


He was equally worse on last night’s AC360


Blah, blah, blah, scuffle, scuffle, SCOTUS affirms Trump’s and the DOJ’s right to tell the House to piss off. Next.

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“In that manner” meaning “In the manner that the Executive Branch normally deals with the Legislative Branch in our democracy.”


Good, don’t deal with Nadler. He would like that more than anything.

But, I don’t think the WH has anything to say in this situation. We are a nations of laws and Nadler helps make them and shape them.


THIS is the ChessGame…

Pawns, Bishops, Knights, Queen

The “battle” for Trump doesn’t have just 8 pawns…


I really doubt Nadler much cares what this sniveling little rat-faced git has to say.


Guess we’ll just have to spoon feed it to him…


Ever since Watergate and the highly commendable, bi-partisan effort to hold Nixon accountable for his crimes, there’s been a Herculean attack on the rule of law by republicans; they know that it serves their criminal, unconstitutional agenda to discredit law enforcement, intelligence agencies and any attempt at oversight. The sad truth is, they’ve won. Trump’s crimes are so brazen, so dangerous and obvious, yet there will ultimately be nothing done about it. The GOP is so deeply corrupt and the Democrats are so spineless and worried about appearing harsh, that this will all come to a big “nothing burger”. It’s so depressing to see how far the US has fallen over the last 40 years. It’s beyond infuriating but we need to realize that power protects power, regardless of party affiliation. Trump will emerge entirely unscathed and it will stand as proof to the powerful that we are in an entirely new era of unpunished crime at the highest levels of government. Secretly, even Dems are in awe of just how brazen crimes can be without consequence. It’s serving as a road map and manual for future administrations (both parties) to know just how wildly criminal they can be and still walk away.


Well, now we’re directly mirroring Watergate. Nixon refused the tape subpoena in July 1973, it took a year to get the Supreme Court to rule that they had to be released…


The Justice Department shouldn’t be involved at all. This is a request being made of the Department of Treasury. The Justice Department isn’t the President’s personal counsel. The White House counsel could get involved if they so wish. But it’s really quite inappropriate for the DoJ to get into the business of siding with the President against Congress on the matter of subpoenas.

That’s not their job.

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