Truly. Why WOULD they stay with McGahn leaving? I think many of them stayed to work with him and with Trump pulling his ‘he’s a nice guy but…’ it’s time for them all to leave. Trump never understood McGahn’s role in the WH…he always believed McGahn and Sessions were his personal enforcers…and they didn’t do a good job.
Passantino has worked to keep officials in compliance with ethical standards,
Typical day at the office:
Everybody who thinks they might be a target in an upcoming Orange Rage is trying to get out of spittle range.
Someone on MSNBC said yesterday that 4 out of 5 McGahn deputies have left/are leaving. My only question is what’s wrong with the fifth one? Is s/he like the tenth dentist who doesn’t recommend regular brushing with Crest?
The Trump White House has an ethics lawyer?
Mr. Sisyphus. So many boulders, so much rolling.
Blind ambition? (A.k.a., “wants the top job”)
I was going to say he quit because he didn’t have anything to do all day, but a picture is worth a thousand words.
he he …
Rachel’s interview last night …
“Passantino has worked to keep officials in compliance with ethical standards,”
…and letting the whole hotel guest briberies, family deals with the saudis influencing public policy, and a compromised 45* still have access to state secrets thing go on and on…but yeah, slip out after you ensure that your pet judge will let the traitor off scott-free and then look skyward solemnly and mumble something about ‘integrity’…
ETHICS!! We don’t need no steenking ethics!!
I’m pretty sure that was a part time job. Trump has about as much use for an ethics lawyer as a tick has for a vegetarian cookbook.
A Sisyphean task.
ETA: Oops, posted before reading comments. Oh well, GMTA!
… and failed miserably.
The Fifth One is probably the loyalist lickspittle Spanky McTraitorface installs in every division.
Passantino has worked to keep officials in compliance with ethical standards, while navigating a minefield of controversies, like Kellyanne Conway’s promotion of Ivanka Trump’s clothing line during a television interview.
Might still looking for work
Must have been the most under worked lawyer ever.