Discussion: WH Doubles Down Support For Jackson, Who Vows To Continue With Confirmation

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But of course! A staff-abusing careerist with substance abuse problems and absolutely no executive experience is the perfect choice to manage the VA. I mean, he said Trump could live 200 years, maybe. What could possibly go wrong?


like a 2016 note from former President Barack Obama praising Jackson for being “poised under pressure,” according to the Post.

Drugs and alcohol can do that.


Let’s not make the same mistake we made with Clarence Thomas. Keep focused on the fact that this man is unqualified to head the V.A., even if he is sober, and the greatest guy to work with.
We owe our veterans at least that much.


If he had any integrity and self-awareness, he would know that he is unfit for the position, especially in terms of his career experience. A normal person would not put himself through the wringer of Senate hearings and the difficulties of managing the VA with no prior executive experience. I don’t particularly care that he is going to suffer, it’s his choice but a large number of vets depend on the VA for their healthcare and other assistance. This is yet another Spanky shitjob.


Brilliant move. Trump is never wrong and nobody asked your lying eyes about it, OK? If the VA thing doesn’t work out just make him the pilot of Air Force One. How hard can it be? Planes today pretty much fly themselves anyway.


White House Strategic Communications Director Mercedes Schlep, who has nothing to do because this maladministration has no strategy for anything, says Jackson should get his hearing. I agree. Let’s have a hearing and discuss, in detail, how he has no experience running a huge and complex agency that has defeated numerous attempts at reform by people with actual experience and expertise.


I bet two numbers are part of the private discussions: 6’0 and 270 lb.


Not to mention it’s veterans, the one group Trump most exploited politically. Let’s remember when he pledged to donate a million bucks to veteran’s groups after sitting out a debate and stiffed them, and had to be dragged snarling to his checkbook. Let’s remember the multiple instances of treating Gold Star relatives in an offhand, contemptuous way. Then let’s watch as he makes it clear that not even for these veterans he so claims to care about more than anyone including the Kenyan usurper can he be bothered just this once to take the trouble to ask around and get a couple suggestions on people who might actually do a reasonable job. Let’s just wallow in all that, stable genius.


Please proceed.
Prove once again that Trump, this Maladministration and you are beyond embarrassment
It appears that there is a gene lacking in the DNA Helix.


I caught a few minutes of Brian Williams’ show Tuesday night on MSNBC. He opened with the inevitable discussion of Doc For Sale, so the talk eventually turned to that pesky drug allegation. Williams had on two reporters who cover the White House and have been on long trips with the entourage. They, along with Williams, confirmed that handing out pills for sleep and pills for wake-up has been common practice for the White House medical staff on these flights. So, did any of these three admit to having used the doc’s pills themselves or state that they’d refused them? Nope. Not one. This has been another edition of Why Americans Distrust the Fucking Media.


I just think it’s unfortunate that what we are seeing in these confirmation processes are these very qualified, honorable individuals being dragged through the mud. That needs to stop. Let Dr. Jackson have his hearing.”

See, e.g. the GOP Senators lead by Mitch McConnell, John McCain and National Guard Colonel Lindsay Graham drag Susan Rice through the mud. See, e.g. Mitch McConnell and Chuck Grassley let Merrick Garland have his hearing. Such sanctimonious people projecting exactly what they were doing until a year ago.


Absolutely … it would be most helpful for this to hit the sunlight. Allowing Doc For Sale to quietly slink off and go back to running the medical shop in the White House does us no good at all. Let’s bare the ugliness of this.


For some reason, this old classic again came to my mind:


Getting drunk on overseas trips doesn’t count. Because America First. Or something.


He didn’t discriminate — he gave uppers and downers to everyone! And he was only fall-down drunk on duty when he was overseas! So he’s totally qualified to run the VA!


We’ve already established, through cabinet nomination confirmations, that we don’t care about our children’s education, or the environment.
Now, we’re about to find if the U.S. holds the same level of contempt for its brave military veterans.


1953 ? Tom Lehrer, a true visionary !

Mercedes Schlapp, the opening act for Sarah Sanders. Can’t wait for Sarah to turn it up, something about vets dying in their wheelchairs because Democrats …

President Obama basically saying that Admiral Jackson was poised under pressure, that he should be promoted. …

“I mean, these are false allegations. Let’s just start from there,” she told Fox News.

" I just think it’s unfortunate that what we are seeing in these confirmation processes are these very qualified, honorable individuals being dragged through the mud…"

But let’s take a step back and appreciate what a stunning reveal that statement really is.

The Trump administration is basically saying “Look, even President Obama approved of him”. They are admitting that the Obama Administration is the gold standard.

That’s not something you see someone in the Trump administration do every day :wink:

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