Discussion: WH Denies Mass Deportation Is Goal Of Guidelines Targeting Those In US Illegally

You mean, consistent with Trump’s stated goal of mass deportations?


“That’s it.”

That’s always an ominous sign coming from Spice.

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“Is one of the goals here mass deportation?”

“No,” Spicer replied."

“Not at all?” Vega pressed.

“He said that it is “consistent” with Trump’s stated positions on immigration and national security.”

Trump’s stated position: mass deportation.

Doublethink…it’s what’s for dinner.


This appears to be Trump’s and Bannon’s “Chrystal Nacht”!

The Whole World is Watching.
The Whole World is Watching.
The Whole World is Watching.

We will NOT let you destroy America and replace it with “Amurika”.
We will NOT let you turn “Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave” into “The Land of the Wealthy and the home of the Slave.”

We will NOT let you change “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breath Free.” into “Give me your Corporate Executives, your Wealthy Demagogues, your International Investors yearning to be Tax Free.”

Fuck You Trump.


Yeah the goal isn’t mass deportation because they are non-white, just that they broke the law and so are non-law abiding. We’ll deport all the white non-legals too…if we find any.

FIFY That’s always an ominous sign coming from SpICE.

First you would have to LOOK for some.

For a guy who’s never successfully completed a sentence consisting of three or more words, Sean Spicer sure does say “period” a lot.

Or quit assuming the majority of non-whites are illegal.

Thank god he doesn’t have Trump repeating of the same phrase a couple times. That shit drives me up a fuckin’ wall.

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“Is one of the goals here mass deportation?”

“No,” Spicer replied. The goal is to deport only those illegal immigrants who are suspected of a “chargeable criminal offense,” a category which includes illegal entry to the United States. So we’re not targeting all illegal immigrants, we’re just targeting the immigrants who are here illegally.


They don’t want mass deportations.

They want to terrorize people into leaving on their own.

That’s mass self-deportation.

"Those are two very, very different, different different things.”

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which just means that Spicey is lying again!


a “chargeable criminal offense,” a category which includes illegal entry to the United States.

Which also includes public intoxication, carrying a joint, and, in some states that don’t distinguish between crimes and infractions, jaywalking.


Watching Spicer Press Conferences are not only exhausting, it also makes me feel like I am living in an alternate reality - or rather, that the people in the WH do.

At one point, Spicer quoted Trump as saying he has a big heart.
This big heart led him to discriminate against Black people trying to rent from him.
This big heart led him to try, sentence and suggest death penalty for accused and subsequently acquited Central Park Five.
Mr. Big heart said Mexicans are murderers and rapists.
He campaigned on banning Muslims from US and creating a registry.
Constatly attacks journalists and people in the media.
Ran around country demanding Pres. Obama’s birth certificate.
Made fun of disabled reporter.
Encouraged his supporters to commit violence and attack protesters.
Attacked Rosie O’Donnell, calling her a pig.

Yeah, a big heart.

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The new guidelines call for immigrants to be deported if they are convicted, charged or suspected of a “chargeable criminal offense,”

There you have it…


WH Denies Mass Deportation Is Goal Of Guidelines Targeting Those In US Illegally

Since they are gearing up for rounding up the mexicans, and if the goal is not deportation, what could it be extermination?