Translation: So long and thanks for all the fish, John.
…and I’m sure all of the press corps was properly respectful while Ms. Sarah spewed this garbage…
That settles it then.
Kelly is definitely on the way out.
“Both the President and the chief of staff are very happy with his position that he currently holds.”
Being happy around Trump is the kiss of death. Toodles Kelly.
Translation: Trump is not done humiliating him…
Uh oh.
I get Friday May 4, 3pm - 9PM EDT in the death pool.
“John Kelly will be leaving to spend more time with his [cough] family. He has treasured his time working for the best president this country has ever seen. We will not be answering any more questions at this time.”
Yeah, it’s a regular tunnel of bro-love over there at the White House.
Still haven’t found anyone stupid enough to replace him and put up with your BS. huh?
Trump Suicide Employment Program.
Membership / down 60%
Happy as pigs in shit. Which they are.
It would make it all so much easier when the time comes for the FBI to sweep them all up if they’re all in the one place…