Discussion: WH Aide: We Failed To Get Allies On Board Quickly For Obamacare Repeal

Guess they needed more time, 7 years wasn’t enough.


Here’s the problem, Mr. Short. You didn’t HAVE any allies. Everybody knew what an utter POS that bill was. EVERYBODY…


Old Republican habits are hard to break. Please proceed. There still is no consensus on a replacement plan. Collectively,House and Senate GOPs have failed to accomplish anything this year. I’m reasonably sure that Ryan and McConnell don’t wanna do healthcare again.

Gee, Marc. I bet y’all were just pulling your hair out over that. Amirite?

McYertle has already said that ship has sailed. He’s moved on to trying to obstruct various debt ceiling plans.

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7 years should be enough time to get your shit together.

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White House Aide: "We’re frickin’ incompetent in offering up cruel, unpopular policies."

The problem is Trump couldn’t lead a mutt on a leash to a dead fish. His whole life has been spent in plotting seeking revenge of his misfortune of not being born an even richer asshole. His skill set has no tools for guiding, leading, helping, or even cooperating.

…we did not get all of our allies on board with the path forward…

And what “path forward” are you referring to? I’m a hiker, and I’ve been on some poorly-maintained trails that I referred to as “bushwhacking with blazes.” But in this case, there weren’t even any blazes.

“One of the things that we could learn from the last battle was that in many cases, we did not get all of our allies on board with the path forward,” Short said at a breakfast with reporters hosted by the Christian Science Monitor.

Perhaps you could learn from that last battle that the American People really do not like the very idea of “repealing” the ACA. The majority of Americans actually favor keeping the ACA with improvements, not repeal and replace. Perhaps you could learn more from past experience if you took your blinders off.

Say no more…

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Another lesson Short might consider passing on to his boss might be: Insulting Congressmembers in the press, and on TV, on a daily basis, might not be the best way to build comity, cooperation, and team spirit.

Seven years and umpteen million unanimous votes to repeal and yet they couldn’t get allies on board? Seriously?

we the american people thank you for sucking at your job

a not-shitty solution might have helped, too

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