In any barely functioning administration, Stephen Miller would be fired tonight.
I think the Death Eaters got Miller. Those are not the eyes of a living man.
Miller is a moron and so is his boss. That said, Canada and Australia use a point based system and it works well and as any trip north of the border will show has NOT resulted in any lack of racial and ethnic diversity. However, while I support such a policy, I don’t trust this maladministration to implement it. Congress should enact this but have it take effect only upon Trump leaving office,
Jeesus Miller is an idiot. Couldn’t a more skilled reporter just shut him down already?
Stephen Miller is not tired of winning.
This man is aging right before our eyes.
Steve, Steve, Steve, most immigrants are in “cosmopolitan” cities. That’s one of the reasons why the cities are called “cosmopolitan.”
Only in Trumpville is cosmopolitan a slur.
“The bill, which Trump announced Wednesday alongside Sens. David Perdue (R-GA) and Tom Cotton (R-AR), would prioritize green card applicants based on things like English-speaking ability and job skills.”
Leaked draft of green-card criteria under the Trump bill:
What do you expect from the Whitie House?
“I am shocked at your statement that you think that only people from Great Britain and Australia would know English,” Miller responded. “Actually, it reveals your cosmopolitan bias to a shocking degree, that in your mind
From CPAC (corrected)
i really, really, really, really hate 2016/2017…damn
Miller is a punk. Boy, between Trump’s mishandling of the Russia sanctions bill, Miller’s petulant racism, SH Sanders’ disdain for anyone who asks a fair question, the Kelly administration is going swimmingly well.
I knew guys like Miller in college. They sat in the back and snickered w/fear and disdain at seeing minorities and women on an equal playing field. Nothing scared mediocre, entitled white guys more than a POC, disabled person, woman, or gay person speaking confidently, openly, without reservation. This is the last stand of the Millers of this world. This country belongs to us, not the racists.
I liked Miller better on Arrested Development.
It was weird and frightening and Joe and Mika will be all over his perfamce tomorrow. They already aren’t big fans.
The administration is apparently looking for English-speaking computer programmers, but only if they can hand-milk a goat.
“The end result of this, though, is that our opponents, the media and the whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions, that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned.”
February 12, Stephen Miller.
Glad to see he’s mellowed.
Stephen Miller should be a little more aware that most Trump supporters would still spit on him.
And where would high-skill immigrants get a better offer? Some country where they won’t be gunned down in a bar by Stephen Miller’s ideological compatriots?! I hardly think so!