Discussion for article #223849
Just making sure that future business is brisk.
The second prize is a test tube full of MRSA and Clostridrium difficile cultures.
Let me guess. That “new hospital facility” is going to be an emergency room, right? Perhaps one that specializes in pediatric cases?
The mind boggles.
Guns are a horrible choice for self-defense. You are 50x more likely to die of gunfire if you own a gun, than if not.
That is because, I believe, guns make people fucking stupid
Cool. Perpetual motion.
Well, in fairness, if you get hit with a bullet from a .357 or .44 magmum anywhere important, you likely won’t need a hospital–ever again.
Next, they will be offering a free carton of cigarettes to each new asthma and lung cancer patient.
Joe Manchin and the NRA written all over this stupid ploy. Shoot your way out of ignorance.
In fairness, Manchin has been relatively (emphasis on “relatively”) courageous on gun issues since Sandy Hook.
There’s irony, and there’s completely stupid fucking irony.
And free alcohol, heroin and oxycontin to addicts, too! It’s a healthcare perpetual-profit machine.
Cool guns, not my choice but cool.
There is a game called cowboy action shooting. A lot of professionals (lawyers, doctors, etc) play that game. The guns pictured are used in cowboy action shooting. A shooter has to cock the hammer before firing. They are definitely pre-1900. In short, they are sporting equipment not Saturday night specials. Nobody considers them when choosing a self-defense gun.
Y’know, this approach is applicable to things outside of healthcare. For example, a church-sponsored youth event dedicated to abstinence could offer a raffle prize of an evening with a prostitute.
Or, a youth athletic program could offer Twinkies, chili-cheese fries, and Red Bull as refreshments.
Once you adopt the correct mindset, the sky’s the limit.
Guns don’t make people stupid. What they do is allow stupid people to express their stupidity in lethal ways.
From that perspective you are correct. I am so spooked about guns these days I fired off a round.
Oh Heavens! Oh…the vapors! [clutches pearls] How ever will we save society from the scourge of the single-action revolver? [swoons]
Indeed. The expanded background check bill that spectacularly failed to pass the Senate last year was the Manchin-Toomey bill with the Orwellian name “Public Safety and Second Amendment Rights Protection Act”. Manchin may be the Democrat who scores highest on the Club for Growth’s Senate scorecard, bur he’s still nearly 20 points behind the lowest Republican (Susan Collins of Maine).
All your gunshot wounds are belong to us