Discussion: West Virginia GOP Chair Praises Anti-LGBTQ Op-Ed Calling For Intolerance

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The Republican party is a big tent, but it only has one chair in it.


The cruelty is the point.


The comments, posted on Potter’s private Facebook page, stand in contrast with her public denunciation of another West Virginia legislator’s anti-LGBTQ comments in February.

Trying to have it both ways. A bigot in private while she tries to snowball in public. Fact is eventually it all comes out, such as in this case.


“There were good bigots on both sides.”


Yes, I know it’s WV, but I lived there for more that 10 years and let me remind EVERYONE in that benighted state that there are those among you who ARE NOT CHRISTIANS. Basing governmental positions on biblical delusions does every single resident of the state a disservice. And for those of you with little local knowledge, perhaps you need to be reminded that the largest Hare Krishna temple in the U.S. is in . . . wait for it . . . West Virginia!


Geesh…well, since they set the tone…

You’d think a woman looking like that would be calling for as many lesbians to exist as possible so that she’d be one of the few available sockets left for all the frustrated men, cuz she ain’t getting plugged otherwise (which probably explains her miserable bigoted demeanor).

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They are entitled to their opinion, but as elected public officials, they must answer to the Constitution, not the Bible. If they cannot do so, they can always resign and become members of the cloth.


“The LGBQT [sic] movement is not about happiness and tolerance, but about indoctrination and a forced acceptance of a perverted and non-biblical view of sexuality,” Azinger wrote. “The solution to the madness of the LGBQT [sic] movement is not political correctness and tolerance; the answer is the Cross of Jesus Christ where we all can find forgiveness and salvation.”

So his “solution” would be a forced acceptance of Christianity? -if he could have his way.


One wonders if they would like to make baptism mandatory, and in so doing would resolve the disagreements of whether one must be fully immersed, and if a bath is suitable or it must be a running stream, or is sprinkling good enough? (Must we carry an official certificate with us?) Will communion also be required, and if so, will wine be specified, or will grape juice (as many denominations use) be permitted? What about transubstantiation? Will the host be bread or that tiny dry cracker?


I really tire of these people.


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Face it, they would love to implement Jesusharia law.


This woman claims to have read the Bible, but she completely missed the point. Love thy neighbor, judge not, etc. And as other posters have mentioned, we are a nation of laws, not a Bronze Age book. Another despicable so-called “Christian.”


Hey, Jesus was Jewish, so how about telling him that he’s going to have to submit to a mandatory circumcision. Sure, it’s gonna hurt, but it’s what God wants - it’s in that book, right?


One of the better ways I have heard that put.


The West Virginia GOP nor Potter responded to TPM’s request for comment.

res ipsa loquitur

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But generations of rampant incest is an old southern tradition that must be upheld…

Perhaps he is advocating the crucifixion of LGBQTs.

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I hate her face, both of them.