There are so many errors and typos in this piece that parts of it are indecipherable. TPM needs a proofreader.
Obamacare: “Rumors of my demise are greatly exaggerated.”
You pompous ass.
For example?
“Derp has consequences.”
That’s the fucking understatement of the year.
This is an off topic public service announcement. Colbert had some doozies for Trump in his monologue last night. Just in case you are looking for some new pejoratives to hurl the way of the glutton with the button. CBS only has the full monologue on the site, but there’s a clip for facebook users on his show page.
I noted a few. One where “of” appears instead of “if”.
@blandsten with today’s GOP the derp is squared.
Which is about as sqaure a (non)deal as America can expect from them
I didn’t notice any, but even if there are some, the explanations in this article are crystal clear. I especially found this line to be completely accurate, showing that Tierney Sneed gets it:
The years of their anti-Obamacare jihad are coming back to haunt them.
Either Republicans will intentionally go out of their way to destroy Obamacare or they will mess with it out of sheer incompetence, ignoring what is on the horizon for millions of Americans, and sabotage it through a process of pure neglect by not addressing the necessary funding to keep the already calculated subsidies in place. Either way, they will be the ones to take the blame for failure to address the issue of those subsidies. In other words…those raucous town halls will continue.
When companies pull out of the exchanges, since Rs hold all the levers of power, the responsibility for any collapse in the insurance markets or failure to cover individuals as promised, will be on them. There will be no one but themselves to blame since they allowed this to happen. Republicans, in general, are people who everyday show they could care less about average people in need, especially sick people, but this is particularly egregious…since the writing is already on the wall. Without funding the subsidies, we will be back at square one. They could fix this if they wanted to, but instead they are playing their usual games.
Obamacare subsidies is whole big mess
That’s all I picked up. What you got rodgerk?
Good chance if you vote GOP you could wind up dead.
We’re not really back to anything, except ungovernability. Anybody who has watched Russia or other less democratic systems knows that the new leader comes in on a wave of promises and proceeds to pick fights with everybody. Very quickly the leader adjusts and declares every fresh defeat a victory. Until a real big crisis, which then gets blamed on some external enemy. One step forward, two steps back. Trump’s explicit embrace of kleptocracy is something new for the US, but old hat elsewhere. If I was an insurance company that had managed to create a cozy spot in the Obamacare business ecosphere, I would not be too happy about the lack of governance. Even the efficiencies of a Swiss-style insurance system would cut several hundred billion annually away from the current arrangement.
The Republicans appear to be playing Russian Roulette with a fully loaded revolver.
Could you sketch out what the swiss system advantage is or point me somewhere I could look? TIA
Sit back and take a good look at the overall discussion on healthcare and you will see exactly what is going on.
Republicans have spent 7 years and 60-70 repeal votes that failed to get rid of Obama’s piece of legislation called Obamacare because he made it happen.
Today they plan on cutting the healthcare of 20-30 million people so they can save money to give billionaires tax cuts. The sticking points are protecting pre-existing conditions and the essential components of real healthcare policies. The policy is to LIE about keeping these things from the president on down. To con the people to get the vote they need. Then allow states to eliminate these protections making have and not have states. Is this Bad? Bad enough that republicans wanted to exempt congress from these bad policies in the bill and bad enough that a congressman said that people with bad health it is because of their health choices- living badly.
At this point people need to realize that what comes out of Trump’s mouth are LIES for the purpose of taking healthcare away and to transfer the money to billionaires in tax cuts…you know…people just like him.
How can anyone not see this? It started in the very first sentence:
The question about what Republicans will do about crucial Obamacare subsidies is whole big mess of derp, but it still threatens to crash the individual health insurance market. Derp has consequences.
The irony being that groups like AHIP, AHA and the Chamber of Commerce worked hard to get Republican’ts elected. Karma’s a muthafucka…
To Republicans: "When everybody in the room says you are drunk, sit down."
RepubliKKKlans are going to regret this action when they take away insurance from millions of people. Those people will not just sit and take that abuse. They will fight back and it’s going to get nasty and mean real quick!
Just watch what Jimmy Kimmel did last night. God bless that man for telling the truth. Now imagine how millions of parents are gong to feel when their children lose their health care. They will fight back!
So when insurance companies submit plans that no longer rely on the subsidies, the republicans will all crow about how costs are rising unsustainably and get a few more “moderates” on board to make costs rise even further. They deserve to be tarred and feathered.