Discussion for article #222188
“At a Third Way event on Tuesday,…”
Yea, well thats a problem right there.
This just made me decide to directly donate to Gov. for who I believe will win instead of the DGA - who might have a different agenda - 3rd…not for me, thanks for asking.
Can’t believe the DGA is not going all out for Wendy Davis. She is an extremely capable candidate in a state the majority of whose voters are soon to be pro-Democrat,
I can believe it because Shumlin’s assessment of the odds of winning different races looks right, and he’s doing triage. I do think he’s short-sighted, because the Davis campaign could build up the volunteer and small donor base the Texas Democrats desperately need. Backing isn’t about this year, but about making Texas competitive sooner rather than later. It’s only April, which is too early for triage. What’s weird about Shumlin talking to Third Way is he’s the Democratic governor pushing single-payer, so not exactly a centrist.