Discussion for article #231651
This is the silly season for legislative action. 90% of all these dumb ideas are voted down or never get out of committee (or never even get a committee hearing). So… hoodie-wearers: no worries!
I’m sure that will stop more acts of violence than making guns against the law.
It’s the hoodies. That’s the problem.
“Oklahoma lawmakers are considering turning a law originally designed to
fight the Ku Klux Klan into a law that would make it illegal to wear a
hoodie in public.”
Ah yes, once again we see the republican idea of freedom.
And let’s us remember that republicans are against silly regulations…
“Oklahoma lawmakers are considering turning a law originally designed to
fight the Ku Klux Klan into a law that would make it illegal to wear a
hoodie in public.”
Makes me think of the Klan outfit as a red-neck burka.
The amendment would provide exceptions for religious attire, clothing to protect against weather conditions, and garments worn during Halloween celebrations, parades and other festivities.
So wearing hoodies when it’s cold or even cool or raining or sprinkling etc. are fine. Or wearing a hoodie to keep the sun off would also be okay. Also wearing a ski mask on a cold day is fine. Wearing anything you want for a religious ceremony, for Halloween and parades or festivities is fine.
Exactly what is the idiot proposing be banned? From what I can tell it sounds like the only thing that would apply would be wearing a ski mask when it’s 90 degrees but if you were engaged in a festivity that would be okay too.
Hilarious. Not exactly a brain trust is he?
I’m sure that people committing crimes like armed robbery will be dismayed to find out about that $500 fine. But on the other hand, won’t they just build it into the amount they’re robbing people of?
Illegal to wear a hood while committing a crime.
Changed to:
Illegal to wear a hood.
What’s the difference. I mean what kind of person wears a hood, anyway?
The only thing that is not included is wearing a hoodie while being blah. That is right out.
The party of “getting government out of your life” also wants to tell you what to wear.
Many folks wear sweats with a hood under an outer jacket WHEN IT’S COLD OUTSIDE. My North Face rain gear jacket has a hood attached. This is another reason to avoid Oklahoma.
They do make 'em really stupid in Oklahoma.
My guess: the real reason for this is to give cops and people claiming stand-your-ground defenses license to shoot people wearing hoodies while black.
First, they came for the hoodies.
And I did not speak out, for I did not wear a hoodie – and besides, the vicious little thugs in the hoodies deserved it, stupid niCLANGs…
My thoughts, exactly. I wear a hoodie, often. I’m an old white guy. It’s not a fashion statement. But it keeps my balding head warm when I’m heading down the icy driveway to the mailbox. Illegal in OK, or not? Unenforcable.
Just seems like a waste to tack it on to a crime being committed. If the law is already being broken than will an additional $50 penalty deter anyone? Seems that these same people have argued similarly against gun control acts that had much more teeth to them than this.
Does “facial disguise” include a cowboy hat? I sense a problem in OK!
Repuglicraps are the most disgusting people on earth. And this one proves it.