Discussion: Waters Has 'No Sympathy' For Trump Staffers, Urges More Public Shunning

I am all for public shaming. My concern is the Trump minions have no shame or moral center so these acts may only embolden them.


It’s time to stop worrying what the deplorables think. They should be shamed too.

I go one step further than De Niro… Fuck them ALL


“F*ck your feelings.”

It’s not just for Trump t-shirts any more.


THANK YOU MAXINE for speaking up about these treasonous and soul-less creatures. If it’s possible to have less than “no sympathy” for these psychotic destroyers of democracy, put me down in that category.


A restaurant in CT with same name is being threatened big-time by deplorables. These people are scarier every day.


I believe they should serve Trump staffers. Just be sure to seat them at tables in the bathroom.

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As I said I am all for it.

Not without consequence for businesses brave enough to take a stand (witness Trump’s a.m. tweet). More important than ever to support those who act on how we all feel.


Shaming these people in public might just help them understand that they just might be the ones in the wrong. Their own support network seems to be on very shaky ground. So a bit of an emotional shove might help tip them into a more objective point of view. One can hope.

This is so freaking stupid.

  1. They want to be the victim. It plays right into their hands.

  2. Someone is gonna take it too far.

It makes for good video on twitter, and those people certainly deserve much worse than being run out of a restaurant, but ultimately, it serves no purpose and turns us into assholes. They’re the assholes. Let’s not lose sight of that.

Florida’s AG Pam Bondi was essentially chased out of a theater the other night. Again, it feels goods in the moment I’m sure, but c’mon people. Chill out. (She was at a screening of that new Mr. Rogers documentary, which adds a layer of irony you can apply to both sides).


I respectfully disagree Representative Waters. They can definitely hang with him. It will make a great picture for the history books.

I used to think like this. But then I met someone who was a well known anti-apartheid intellectual in South Africa. He pointed out that calling these people out in public can be effective. If nothing else, it makes them see that there really are people vehemently opposed to them. This gets way beyond the blather on TV, be it Maddow or Hannity, news accounts, etc., or the printed word, tweets, or whatever. Getting in their face is an obligation.


You can’t shame people who have no shame.


1 lacking any sense of shame.
2 immodest; audacious; insensible to disgrace.
3 showing no shame.

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I understand and share the urge of those shaming these collaborators. Nevertheless, I worry about the potential for escalation. If this conduct becomes an acceptable norm, there’s no reason to think Trump supporters and others won’t take the next step to a stronger display. And lots of them carry guns. They already seem more willing to engage in outright violence. This conduct will give them, in their minds, more justification to go ballistic.

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Interesting. I could see this kind of thing having an effect on someone like Bondi. Maybe lower/local level politicians who are vocally supporting some of the worst policies of the Trump WH. I still think it only emboldens the administration folks like Sanders or the president himself. He tweets about it, Fox picks it up and runs with it for a solid week, and the heat gets turned up on everyone. It’s another PERFECT distraction for them, right when they need one most.

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No, absolutely don’t fuck them! Not even a pity fuck!

Yes, that’s a second, more current article about Trump staffers whining about how nobody in DC will date them. It’s not written in the article but I note how these staffers also seem unwilling to date each other. I suppose the lack of self-awareness that keeps them working under Trump also keeps them from noting that the same repellent behaviors and beliefs that they see in other Trump supporters around them must also be in themselves.


Not only are they scarier they are dumb, 575 miles between CT and VA. Yes stupid, SHS didn’t drive, fly (well that could have happened in this maladministration), or taken a train that distance for a night out.

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Opposite gendered bathrooms.

They should have chased into the next theater that was showing “RBG”.

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