Discussion: Watchdog Publishes Docs Detailing Mnuchin's Sky-High Travel Costs

One of the departed from the administration was booted for excessive flying costs.
That’s about 40 or 50 departed ago.

So, its not the waste that’s the problemo. More then likely its insufficient loyalty and speaking out of turn.


No way Mnuchin would travel like the rest of us! But I was walking out of the Pentagon once going to the Metro and I passed ADM Mike Mullen-who was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs at the time-coming from the Metro by himself. No detail and obviously no motorcade. In uniform just working. And once I saw Leon Panetta while he was Sec Def sitting in traffic with everyone else–when he could’ve easily made everyone move out of the way. So it can be done. And Mike Dukakis rode the T as Gov! I think Panetta had some private jet travel issue or something as well.


Geez, thanks…I just finished dinner.

What I want to know is there a running tally of all the wasteful use of taxpayer money all these tRump agency heads and tRump himself have used up to date. Its gotta be the GDP of a mid-size country by now. What’s most galling is that almost all of them are millionaires and billionaires that could use their own damn money, but instead are so full of avarice as to use other people’s money to do what should be public service. PAY US BACK!! They’re all like pigs at a trough.


That’s why he’s so fiscally rich, he rips people off and tries to get someone else to pay for something every time he does something, and if he’s getting a salary to do it, well, that’s a bonus feature, not a bug.

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Joe Biden rode the train back and forth all those years, too.


Private air travel is probably in the pre-nup


In the late '80s, I often traveled to DC on business, and sometimes rode that route with Biden.

Once, on that same train, I was trapped next to Fred Barnes.

Nobody would switch seats, the dining car was closed, and the Gents was continually occupied.

There was no escape.

By the time we reached the Delaware border, I seriously contemplated leaping to my death from the carriage.

I still wake some nights, screaming, in a cold sweat.

You know that phrase, “The living will envy the dead”…?



I have been in a situation before so deadly boring I wanted to chew off my own ears so I feel ya.



I’ll take it. I promise never to post any pic like that. Ever!


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But @tena, you’re forgetting something. Biden is a respectable person, And a Democrat, on top of that! Of course he took the train!


Douchebag rich people are always trying to get stuff free or discounted; art of the deal, I guess. He’s rich…could he not pay or reimburse for his own transport and avoid this bad publicity? Business deduction?


EEEWWW But you’re right

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You,could have nodded off while he was talking, although that probably still wouldn’t have stopped him. Maybe if you’d pretended to have a seizure they’d have moved you.


Ya think
When Idocracy looks reasonable

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Yes you can… :smiley:
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Yes! It’s $3.99 for HD and I happen to have a few dollars on an Amazon gift card to pay for it. It’s going to come after I, Tonya and The Disaster Artist which will come after I finish watching Wolf Hall. You’ve made my day.


Bet she never wore de Givenchy and only because his clothes were not hung with his initials.


As Leona Helmsy said, “The little people pay taxes.”
And, apparently, for everything else these self-inflated fucks want while they give ‘service.’


Mnuchin deserves Blofeld’s last helicopter ride

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Spending our money so he can ride in this C-21.

and this C-20

and this C-37

and this C-40

Mr. Millionaire Fancy Pants needs to buy his own pants and quit borrowing mine…ours…whatever. He needs to buy his own fucking plane.

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