Discussion: Watchdog Group Sues Treasury Dept. For Failure To Respond To FOIA Request

Man! This accountability stuff is for the BIRDS isn’t it Steve?


Is Mnuchin the reincarnation of Howard Sprague?

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I would not be surprised if Preshitident Trump, First Lady Ivank Trump, Secretary of State Cuck Kushner and their white christian supremacist and neo-nazi minions have not already started looting the US Treasury.

Clearly, Preshitident Trump has already been funneling nearly a billion dollars of tax payer money from the Treasury to his private bank account via nepotism, the Trump properties, fraudulent charities and other corrupt schemes.

Remember, that Preshitdident Trump’s doctrine that it is okay to rape, torture, loot and pillage from your enemies. They might be doing just that.

The neo-nazi and sexual predator is amoral and capable to extraordinary evil.

The liberal watchdog group Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW)

Are they an expressly liberal group? They may go after conservatives more often, but that says more about the ethics of conservatives than the political orientation of CREW.


It requires paying attention to Mnuchia.


Another interesting question: Why did Mnuchin and wife fly to Lexington which is nearly 100 miles from Ft. Knox when there is a perfectly good airfield right on the Fort’s grounds, or in the alternative, Louisville’s airport is only 20 miles away? Could it be that there are quite a few very wealthy people in Lexington? Fundraising perhaps?


Need more FOIA requests. Many more in fact. Secret Service budget. Executive budget. WH West Wing staffing budget.

So many things to learn.


CREW is hardly a liberal organization - not with Richard Painter of the former Bush White House heavily involved. Both he and Norm Eisner state that government ethics are non-partisan and they will be go after Dems, Republicans and Independents alike - and they do. Right now there are more Republicans targets but that will change and having an organization that keeps politicians and government honest is good thing in my book, no matter who is in power.