Discussion: Watchdog Group Claims Reported Hush Money To Porn Star Violates Election Law


Laws are for suckers. And Democrats. But my Republican’t friends would say I’m being redundant


I have a very difficult time thinking that this payment actually violates the election laws.

On the other hand, anything that keeps “hush money to porn star” in the headlines can’t be all bad.


It also violates “decency laws” but hey as ken said, laws are for suckers


Unfortunately, some people will happily violate the law if the payoff dramatically outweighs their legal jeopardy. Late in the 2016 campaign, it’s difficult to imagine a penalty to Trump severe enough that he’d be willing to let the porn star story hit the news.

Well, I take that back. Forcing a 5k run per day would probably have him properly spooked.


The spokesman for Common Cause is named Paul Ryan? Y’all joking, right?


I understand that the Preshitident Anusmouth told a young but high-ranking White House staffer something to the effect that she had the finest tail, that her boyfriend was not doing a good job and that she should steam his trousers. There is also a cabinet member who is the current Stormy Daniels that is spending a lot of time with the Preshitident. The groper, sexual predator and pedophile enabler continues unchecked.

At least she didn’t pee on him.

That we know of


And even if it does, I have a very difficult time thinking that the Federal Election Commission will do anything about it.


Hard not to wonder if this is even real. It’s all reality TV and getting too much bandwidth for what will ultimately be nothing more than salacious gossip.

You have to feel sorry for Stormy being linked in with Trump.
It could ruin her reputation.


The real crime is the image that’s been burned into the nation’s collective consciousness of Mistress Stormy Forbes-ing her whipping boy, President Spanky.


HAHA! He’s got Michael Bolton Syndrome!


I hope they don’t take the money from her. Whatever was paid up front couldn’t possibly be worth the experience of being chased around a room by Donald Trump in his tighty-whities.


‘the law applies to one’s enemies; for one’s friends it is interpreted’
Steven Lukes


this needs to be kept in the public sphere as long as possible to milk every drop of humiliation we can out of it for President Spanky. I can only hope someone grows the balls to ask about the whole thing at an upcoming press conference
just taking the facts as established: “With respect to the paid-off porn star who spanked the POTUS with a Forbes magazine
” I’d just love to watch Twochins McGlower try to field that.


It is hard to see how this payment was made to influence the election. Unless the law includes payments made to keep the election from being influenced.

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How to do it right: Paul Bocuse died Saturday , 91 years old and in the same room, he was born.

Son incroyable appĂ©tit de vivre s’exprimait aussi dans la vie privĂ©e de ce polygame assumĂ© : mariĂ© depuis 1946 Ă  Raymonde, qui lui a donnĂ© une fille, Bocuse a Ă©galement partagĂ© sa vie pendant plus de soixante ans avec Raymone, la mĂšre de son fils JĂ©rĂŽme, et pendant plus de quarante ans avec Patricia, qui gĂšre sa communication.

A new Bocuse book has just been published in France and the pages of recipes are attracting less attention that the confession that for most of the 60 years he has been married, he has also had two mistresses and a string of fleeting liaisons.

“A lot is being made about my private life, and why not?” he says. “I adore women and we live too long these days to spend a whole life with only one. I work as if I will live to be 100, and I enjoy life as if the next day will be my last.”

Little embarrasses Monsieur Paul, as he is known. Weeks away from his 80th birthday, he does nothing to play down a side of his life that most famous people would wish to keep quiet.

He also sees self-evident links between the pleasures of the table and physical intimacy. “Food and sex have much in common,” he says. “We consummate a union, we devour each other’s eyes, we hunger for one other.”


Personally, I celebrate the man’s entire catalog


I agree but the moral side of me says the more this story keeps moving, it hurts Trump.

But, then I realize that even the Christian Right have sold their moral compass to the devil. We have not reached the bottom.