Discussion for article #245553
But…but…look over here! BENGHAZI!!!
But the media will continue to transcribe GOP talking points and be complicit in the use of phony scandales to try to take down Hillary Clinton. It is long past time to blow the whistle on this BS.
Houston, we’ve got a problem!
ETA: And if those two traitors had an ounce of respect for the truth, they would publicly defend Hillary.
Shhh! Not so loud. You’re reminding Republicans of facts, and that only confuses them.
Fox: What a distraction? This only matters if Condi and Powell were democrats. Republicans are free to divulge any state secrets. Valerie Plame will confirm it.
Dick Cheney: Sure, we are patriots.
That State Department is just a nest of spies, isn’t it? If only we could counter it with a department whose sole job was to advance the US foreign policy.
In most cases that would matter ( as OK with those professing to be concerned today ) but not in this one. This isn’t about classified information. That’s just an angle. It’s about getting Clinton ( we all know that ) for whatever you can be it justified or not. It’s about keeping a legal cloud over her throughout the election run up…something the GOP’ers would howl about of it done to them.
So enough with all the logic and reasoning. It doesn’t apply here.
Any bets on whether Powell and Rice are added to the witness lists in the e-mail hearings planned by Jason Chaffetz?
I mean, he must want to know the truth about them. Right?
Once again, personal responsibility and law and order should only be imposed upon Democrats and liberals. Since conservatives and the GOP in general fancy themselves agents of the god of the bible, their causes are always just; their motives, pure. Any crime they commit is always for a greater good. Excuse me while I throw up.
The ENTIRE Bush White House used RNC email servers for ALL communications with the admitted reason stated as: Avoiding ALL FOIA requests for their communications.
The day Bush left the White House the RNC “mysteriously” wiped all the email servers and “lost” the backup tapes.
No investigation was ever undertaken as “technically” it was not against the law at the time. Just. Like. Hillary.
And those in the GOP trying to hang it on Hillary knew this already. They also know that more embassies were bombed and more armed forces killed while under GOP rule. But hey lets go after the Dems for stuff we have done, only worse.
Decades ago when I dealt with highly classified info and before email, it was routine for officers to take classified info home in their briefcases.
No one seemed to give a shit, but let an enlisted analyst, say, throw a candy wrapper into the classified trash and he might be threatened with a firing squad.
“Colin Powell And Condi Rice Had Classified Info On Personal Emails.”
“There can be no doubt that I have classified email on my personal server and the capability to rapidly send more, many more.” – Colin Powell, Remarks to the UN Security Council (5 February 2003)
“I don’t think that anybody could have predicted that I would take a classified email and slam it into a personal server.” – Condi Rice, Press Conference (16 May 2002)
The problem with classified information is the impossibility of anyone without clearance figuring out how serious it was. SHE BROKE THE LAW! But we can’t tell you whether the law was speeding vs drunk driving, or 1 MPH over the limit vs blowing a 0.3 breathalyzer. That’s classified.
What’s that you say…? Eh? I can’t HEEEEAAR you!
Everybody, sing along: IOKIYAR!
“Retroactively classified.” That’s what happened with those emails HRC had on her server. They did not contain classified information when they were sent.
The major difference between HRC’s emails and Cunti and Colon’s is that Clinton’s didn’t contain indisputable evidence of war crimes and various other sundry atrocities.