Discussion: WATCH: Trump Mocks Clinton's Laugh In Instagram Video

Discussion for article #243128

Ohhh that evil satanic laugh! Scaarrrrryy!!! Maybe she’s a witch!

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Donald Trump is seeming to be the evil love child of Hitler and Goebbels.


“Hillary, there is nothing to laugh about.”

Sure there is.


Shit like this doesn’t change a single mind. Trump has no more support, and Hillary has no less, than before some moron thought up the video.


The response to this ad is so freakin’ simple. Just play a clip Trump’s angry, red face as a room full of people laugh hysterically as President Obama absolutely clowns him at the WH Correspondent’s Dinner. Then show him praising Gary Busey and Meatloaf. End it with a one word question…“Seriously?”


Is she made of wood?


This will win him exactly Zero votes, but it will make the weiners of his supporters stand at attention.


Very compelling, I am now going to vote for Jeb!. His brother kept us safe, so he must be good and not busy filing for bankruptcy.

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If the GOP is stupid enough to actually nominate this guy to run in the general election, Mrs. Clinton will win handily with 55-60% of all voters and 60-70% of women.

I hope the GOP is that stupid.


He is moving on from Carson, Rubio, Bush, Cruz. He has proved he can act the buffoon and win. Now he will go after the real opposition to prove himself.

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Named after a DUCK…LOL

Well we’ve heard somewhere that Donald is a nice person…Didn’t say he was SMART or HONEST. Just NICE, COULD’VE FOOLED ME. But as they say NICE guys always finish LAST. I guess that’s the part of NICE and DONALD I’d agree WITH.

Don’t EVER pick a fight with a Clinton, DUCKY, cause you won’t survive the fall out. .

i wAS A big HITLARY supporter Until I sAW that VIDEO. Ben CArSON Or TRUMP are NOW for ME. WHO else IS GOING TO BE UN-PC and round uP THE satanic MuslIMs. ALLAH didN"T right OUR constitution. GOD DID! With the HELP of THOMAs Jefferson and OTHER patrIOTS Who’d never ACTUALLY Held OFFICE in the FEDeraL GOVernment UNTIL After THE CONSTITUTIon1!!1!1!one!11!1!1!!


Worse than that – she’s a woman!


Now let’s see Trump telling profanity-laced lies while the towers fall.


And her balls have more gravitas than his! Oh, the agony of it all to be Mr. The Donald Trump.


The GOP better be fair to him, just like Putin and Xi will!!


Or just less flaccid.

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It’s possible that Trump, having locked up the '16 election for the Democrats, is now moving to lock up the '20 election, too. I’m not complaining. But, damn, isn’t there anyone in the Republican party who can stand up and tell him to get lost? I mean, single party rule is ok as long as it’s our party in power, but only bad can eventually come from this

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Hillary needs to run an ad of her laughing hysterically as the GOTP burns on election night and Trump takes a call on his iTurd phone.