Watch The Fake Trailer Trump Showed Kim
Is that a threat? I think I shall not.
The in a world guy wasn’t available.
“I said, boy, look at that view. That would make a great condo. I explained it.”
Gee, who could’ve known the Trumps would already be looking for ways to monetize a relationship with NK?
Spoiler alert:
This ends badly.
ETA: Did you notice that the cover slide for the shitshow says Trump "participaties" in a media availability?
So if Dotard, king of fake news, produces a fake trailer, does that make it real?
After your done eating the popcorn, you can throw up in the container.
"Trump said he’d shown Kim “that tape” in an effort to convince him that opening up North Korea to international investment would be worth it. "
Followed by
“I said, boy, look at that view. That would make a great condo. I explained it.”
2 + 2
And yet, we probably have to roll it into a tube and shove it up the MSM’s assholes for them to understand this.
I wonder if Kim ever had to sit through a time share pitch before…
Trump: “Kim looked at that tape, he looked at that iPad, and I’m telling you they really enjoyed it…”
Not as much as we’re gonna enjoy the tape Vlad gave him of you.
Is this for real? I thought it was satire until I watched the trailer, and wasn’t sure even after I watched the trailer. I suspect that Kim is a little too intelligent to be taken in by this.
Nice of the Dotard to reveal his true agenda: beachfront condos!
When the rockets flew backwards into their silos I checked the amount of time left, because it had seemed fucking interminable so far, and it wasn’t even halfway done. I have literally never seen such godawful crap done by a non-amateur in my life. Absolute ridiculous appalling kitsch. Like the closing credits for “Borat” but not a parody.
“Honestly, I think he’s going to do these things. I may be wrong, I mean I may stand before you in six months and say, hey, I was wrong — I don’t know that I’ll ever admit that, but I’ll find some kind of an excuse.”
— President Trump, quoted by the New York Times, on his agreements with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.
I would have watched, but I didnt want to throw up in my mouth,
That the shitstain started pushing a badly done real estate con at their first meeting somehow makes me feel better. He acted exactly as expected. No surprises. Kim feels the same way. So does the G6.
Holy hell. I’m reading the first clause of that quote and thinking, “Yeah, no you won’t.” And then I get to the second clause, and I’m thinking, “You really are a stupid fuck, aren’t you?”
Is that the Chosin Reservoir at the very beginning and at the 1:23 mark when the voiceover said “…rich and common heritage.”? The site of one of our greatest military disasters? Sure Kim loved that. Talk about imagery
Oh FFS. What a piece of crap. “There are only two choices, back or forward.” And the image of “forward” is missles going backward into their launch silos. Pictures of Trump with Stallone in the Oval Office and of a guy dunking a basketball. Trump as “the hand of peace.” And it’s all in English, not Korean.
What is this, Trump’s audition tape for the Nobel Peace Prize?