Discussion for article #225931
Q: how do you tell the difference between a law-abiding 2nd Amendment enthusiast engaging in open carry in Colorado, and a criminal on his way to commit armed robbery in Colorado?
A: one is white, the other is black.
This message brought to you by the NRA.
Let me guess, his nickname in the gym showers is “Stubby”
Apparently in more places than Colorado the answer is going to be a body count.
Can any of you 2nd amendment … enthusiasts … tell me how to tell the difference between the two up until they open fire on a crowded shopping mall?
Little assholes grow up to be big assholes.
Of course people think mass shootings when they see a young white male toting a giant gun, you idiot child. Young white males with giant guns are the ones who commit mass murder most often. And no, I will never be comfortable with insecure boys walking around with giant penis substitutes.
My advice: stop being a dickhead, do something positive for your community, get out of your basement, behave in a way that attracts a nice girl.
I was at the range yesterday and found myself deep in a conversation with several firearms instructors. Even they had to admit all the open carry nonsense was out of hand.
Someday soon we are going to be greeted with a story about some open carry second amendment nut shooting it out with police.
Yes, lets get to thinking nothing of people arming themselves, so the homicidal ones can blend. Wouldn’t want to stigmatize them, or single them out.
How to get the open carry laws changed? Create a foundation that provides the $ necessary to get every minority youth a rifle and pistol.
These people who claim to be into open carry to protect their fellow citizens…who appointed them to do so? I think they’re merely self-appointed. I’d say “Shoot me,” but they probably would.
If this limpdick wants to sport a weapon for defending himself and others he should enlist. Doing so might just make a man outta this little boy.
On the flip side he does look a little like Private Pyle in “Full Metal Jacket” He’s so ugly he could be a modern art masterpiece.
This isn’t some little exercise in so-called guns rights garbage. This knucklehead is doing it for the thrill of having people calling the police reporting someone walking down the street with a weapon. And when he’s done probably gets off doing it. The statement it’s for 'self-defense for him and those around him-1000% BS.
He seems to be approaching maximum density on a couple of fronts there.
Who could mistake this kid as an unstable gun-toating loner? Oh god, his name is LOHNER?
If you see a gun, call 911!
Again let me say that in 10 years, no one…I mean NO ONE, is going to want to identify as a white dude from sheer embarrassment. Look at this walking advertisement for male inadequacy issues. Oh man.
But just try to walk down the same streets wearing no clothes. THAT’S ILLEGAL.
Steve Lohner is 18 years old, lives in a city that was rocked by a 2012 mass shooting and thinks local residents need to get over their fear of guns.
Lohner, who lives in Aurora, Colo., where 12 people were killed and 58 wounded in a movie theater massacre two years ago
Right. Because the only thing that would have made that situation in that darkened theater safer would be if everyone there had a shotgun to blow off a few rounds.
If he stepped onto to someone’s property carrying his shotgun, wouldn’t that property owner be within his rights to shoot him dead with the claim of “fearing for his life” under Colorado’s “Stand Your Ground” laws?
All the Aurora property owner would need to say is “Aurora Theater Shooting” and nobody would question fearing for one’s safety.
Moronic Teenage Loser desperate for attention finally gets some (attention that is. He is NEVER getting laid without paying for it.)