Discussion: WATCH: Tapper Faces Off With Giuliani Over Trump Tax Returns

Hey Rudy the pig: What would happen if we all copied Trump and became over night paper geniuses by none of us paying taxes.

Hey Rudy the creepy clown; What would happen if we all copied Trump and raped under aged girls then settled out of court to keep it quiet

Hey Rudy the creepy clown: What would happen if we all followed Trump and took THREE military deferments and refused to serve in the military? What would happen if we didn’t have anyone that was willing to serve?

Hey Rudy, what would happen if we all got behind Russia and Vladimir Putin’s push to take back eastern Europe?

Hey Rudy…time for you go visit the funny farm and listen to yourself.

Creepy clown Rudi.

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This is the most out-of-touch political position I’ve seen “Hilary.et.al.” take, and it will not play well with people she’s trying to woo; i.e., the intelligent right (save the snark). No one in their right mind pays more tax than the law requires. To do so is either stupid or evidence of a hidden agenda. The idea that LEGALLY minimizing one’s tax expense is…what? Unpatriotic? is idiotic. Rich people (excepting trust fund babies) often make several fortunes, and lose them, before they settle into comfortable dotage. It’s the American way, and I hope to god it doesn’t change.

The REAL issues that seem to have gone right over the heads of Hillary brainiacs are: the self proclaimed uberbusinessman lost a huuuge billion and is trying to hide it, congressional whores put tax loopholes in place-- inaccessible to the Middle Class–that allowed Trump to do it, AND as Josh has posited, with that much tax loss there must be a crime buried somewhere.

Wagging fingers at someone for LEGALLY minimizing their tax bill is stupid, condescending to the voting public (clearly, this position assumes we’re all stupid) and underscores why I despise that I will have to vote for Hillary Clinton.

Spot on.

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Glad you missed the tv. I doubt it would look too good all taped up.

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