Well then, if his tax returns show what a genius he is, then he should be releasing all of his tax returns in the future.
Then the American people can see his brilliance in all its glory.
Also, next time he wants to talk about e-mails, when is he going to release all his former employees from their NDA’s so they can impart their first hand knowledge of his genius AND kindness.
Or is he hiding something?
Did you see the article about Trump’s treatment of women at The Apprentice. One gem: he commented that one woman had a nice ass, and compared her to Ivanka.
Tapper is really pissed. Interesting. Giuliani is just gross, in every way. Ugh.
Giuliani, has fully devolved into a Neanderthal just like Carl Paladino. After the election is over, it will be good not to have to hear every day from the hugely successful genius and his pathological liar, delusional spokespersons the media feels obligated to inflict on us.
“The man’s a genius. He knows how to operate the tax code for the benefit of THE PEOPLE HE’S SERVING,” he (Giuliani) said.
What people might those be?
“The man’s a genius. He knows how to operate the tax code for the benefit of the people he’s serving,” he said.
Yes, that “people” would be Donald J. Trump.
I loved his campaign’s argument that with regard to his personal income tax, Trump had a fiduciary responsibility to pay as little as possible.
I didn’t…but I did see the LA Times article that details that he wanted to fire women he deemed not pretty enough.
This coming from Trump is especially ridiculous. It’s not like he is some gym rat, known for his physical prowess. He’s an overweight, steaming pile of orange puss, with weird hair.
It reminds me of when Fred Thompson ran for President, and the pundits were talking about how sexy he was. I think it was Gail Collins from the NY Times did a take down comparing pictures of Tom Brady and Brad Pitt, to Fred, with sub-titles 'Hot" " Not Hot".
Trump and the rest of the Oligarchs like Warren Buffet and T Boone Pickens and the Koch’s are all getting rich under the exact same scheme. They are getting rich NOT from their businesses but rather from the rigged US tax code and on the backs of the slave workers (under paid workers) throughout the US economy.
This is NOT Capitalism…it is very close what a Communist system is all about.
Time to STOP loss carry forwards and all the other tax code items that bail out businesses and the rich for their rough times…while the rest of us are left to dig out and crawl in our bad times.
Trump, Buffet, Gates, Picken’s, the Koch’s, Mitt Romney, Bush, Forbes, and the rest of them are laughing all the way to the bank.
The man’s a genius…"
He lost more money at a young age than he’ll ever be able to earn enough in the rest of his life to make up for it to the point of not having to pay any taxes.
What a fucking genesis!
I’m so stupid I’d have just live off the interest of my inheritance…oh wait he did, he just lost a lot of it, though lucky for him not all…
Just imagine the stench he emits out of that rotting mouth
Umm Noun Verb 9-11 seems not to know that these were Trump’s personal returns not business returns so the only person benefiting from this is Trump, not investors or business partners.
Crudee Giuliani. What a sick piece of corrupted garbage but in all fairness thank you forever for your tour de force performance in the Donnie and Rudy perfume skit, you were simply flawless; hours of practice?
They always call him Americas Mayor, they need to change that to Americas asshole.
Except Ivanka was prettier. Ick. This guy can’t even evaluate his daughter without making it sexual. What man talks about his daughter like this?
Actually Gates and Buffet want to see the system reformed so that they are taxed more. There are even some on the Fortune 100 list that know the system is rigged in their favor.
My great ignorance is showing, and I’d appreciate any help . . . So, Rudy keeps talking about Trump’s responsibility to his business. I know these are losses he’s claiming from his business, but aren’t these his personal taxes? Wouldn’t the issue of what responsibility owed to the employees, shareholders, etc. of the business be addressed in a corporate tax filing?
Again . . . I don’t own my own business, so, well . . .
If the 3 page summary of 1995 tax returns - which showed Trump lost almost a billion dollars (how does a brilliant businessman do that?) - proves that he is a “genius,” then releasing about 25 years of full returns is sure to prove he is undoubtedly the most awesome super-genius tax-avoiding deadbeat taker the world has ever known.