Likely Federal Reserve nominee Stephen Moore
I had not yet stopped laughing when this scrolled up:
Moore’s fellow potential nominee, Herman Cain
When it comes to his nominees, idiocy is a feature, not a bug for tRump.
Using a fetish commodity to anchor your economy instantly empowers the countries that have the particular commodity. Gold, you say? China, Australia and Russia all have more extractable gold than does the USA.
“Trump toady” accurately describes every single one of his nominees and includes the GOP majority which continues to confirm them. See, e.g., David Bernhardt.
With that gray hair, glasses, and sharp jaw-line, he’s straight out of central casting for the Fed.
Who cares about a silly thing nobody understands like economics?
See, kids, this is why you shouldn’t mix governance with the Gong Show and hire circus clowns to run things.
Any questions?
The Gold Standard is an age old bugaboo of right-wing ideologues. They love it because it IS highly restrictive. It would specifically be wayyyy to restrictive for big spending liberal programs like the much hate, hate hated Social Security and Medicare programs. The Gold standard is therefore a way of eliminating those very popular programs without actually having to actually say so- which would be career ending for any politician.
He rarely hires anyone who doesn’t make him look good in comparison, and when he does, he forces them to dumb themselves down, and if they won’t, he fires them. He takes insecurity and shallowness to new depths. If we weren’t seeing it on TV every day, I wouldn’t have believed it possible for someone with this much power to be this stupid, ridiculous and incompetent. And we owe it all to the quirks of our electoral and political system, massive election tampering, and the abject stupidity and selfishness of over 40% of the country. How do we fix that so it never happens again? Because the next time, it’ll be far, far worse.
I wouldn’t be surprised to hear the big guys on Wall Street are influencing this backlash. The Fed is not a plaything for dumbass conservatives.
Yeah, they’re not exactly fans of an unpredictable Fed, wreaks havoc with their ability to program their trading software to maximize what they wring out of the little folk.
Conservatives live in a fact-free zone and consider it a trick to remember anything they said before the moment they’re speaking. Because they think society is a hoax and words themselves are just tricks we use to win arguments and influence people.
It’s obvious he doesn’t understand the first thing about monetary policy. He now realizes there isn’t enough gold to support our money, so he cites hypothetical commodities to be discussed later as his fallback position. Because he’s a simpleton who can’t fathom that markets can actually function without someone manipulating everything. So we should instead put our faith in shiny rocks and other resources of unknown quantity that are even more easily manipulated because economics is hard and he’s an idiot.
But is he a stable genius, too?
When you’re getting clobbered by Erin Burnett. That’s like striking out to a farm pitcher. (Albeit kudos to her producers for assembling the video beforehand.)
Will there be confirmation hearings? Can some ask him to bring in his transcripts please?
Jeebus! Nothing could make it more clear that when forced to think for himself, Stephen Moore is in over his head.
Holy Fukishima! Substitute the name for anyone associated with T rumpp, and the same would be true.
Jeemani fucking crickets!!! Such simple minds in charge of such a complicated world.
Is it Friday yet?
Need to add: also, the gold standard (GS) shows typical winger mentalitiy in NOT trusting the U.S. Government at all on the financial backing (good faith in the USA) of every dollar. Nothing says don’t ever trust big government than questioning the current system as inadequate, with only gold being the best backer of the dollar.
Yes, and another thing that strikes me is the goldbugs’ claims of gold’s “inherent” value, particularly in contrast with what they call "fiat"money.
What is the “inherent” value of gold? And is there enough of it to support our economy?
Remember, in the wake of the Crash of 2008, when Glenn Beck and others were extolling the purchase of gold as a hedge against the imminent collapse of the economy – as well as society – as a result of President Obama’s foolhardy policies?
These people, by no means constricted to the Ron Paul nuts, also railed against the Federal Reserve as an illegitimate entity.
What’s funny is that a lot of these goldbugs and anti-Fed nuts, in their belief in “sound” money, have now gravitated to bitcoins, which have no inherent value and are at best of questionable backing.
CNN talking head calls out know liar that CNN repeatedly brings on the air. That some profesional wrastlin’ level of journalism right there.