Discussion: WATCH: Stephen Colbert Dishes 'Grown Man' Advice Out Of Character

Discussion for article #225793

Colbert (with a “T”) and Colbert (the French pronunciation) are both class acts. Really admirable man.


I love this guy. He’s as cool as the flip side of the pillow.


Guy teaches Sunday School. Would love to see that.


After experiencing five (yeah… I know) daughters (the oldest is 20 now), I must compliment Steven on his honesty and caring personality… I have been swimming in the sea of my daughters long enough to be critical of my own reactions and thoughts on these very questions… good job, class act, you are our friend… thanks


Stephen, do you have an equally brilliant brother who happens to be gay?


It would be so great if there were room for a show like this during prime time television! Colbert is one good guy!

Thanks, TPM, for sharing this.


Did not think it was possible, but I love him even more.


Of course, a decent, honest man and dad. Like many other decent dad’s out there trying their best. Unlike those dads however is the fact that this man writes and performs some of the most biting, insightful and crushingly funny satire in comedy. Ever. I think there’s a connection between truth and comedy. Hence, the conspicuous lack of funny people on Fox News for example. They only laugh among themselves.


I tell my young nieces: give boys the Hillary Clinton test. Find out what they think of Sec. Clinton. If they use the word bitch, RUN.

There is no such thing as a little misogyny problem.


I liked his first answer best - most complex and helpful I thought. Second and third kind of missed the mark by my lights, last answer was interesting and probably accurate.

When it was announced that Stephen would replace David Letterman, I recall Limbaugh ridiculously commenting that it was the end of traditional American values on late night. I commented about doing a comparison between devoted husband to one wife, devoted dad, etc. to Rush and his baggage.


Stephen, I do not seriously believe that all the people who were repeatedly mean to me in school secretly liked me. They were fucking bastards who wanted to make themselves feel superior in any way they could.

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so sexy-smart and smart-sexy.


Stephen has a LOTR Cave Troll figure on his desk behind him. And, he gave some very sensible advice. I approve.

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Such a decent person.

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Stephen Colbert - a great man?

Or the greatest man? :smile:

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He is a genuinely nice guy and clearly super intelligent.

And only when they can laugh at others.

That is the state of conservative ‘comedy’.

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If you think conservatives hate him now, wait 'til they get a glimpse of the real Stephen Colbert…

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