“I never knew Target had good clothes like that.”
Ba-boom swish!
Oh, that’s cruel. (So that’s where Eric “Boobs on the Ground” Bolling is hiding these days )…
They answer the phone
“Washed up has-beens and Losers Inc , can I help you”
Boy Sean that Trump Stank doesn’t wash off.
In retrospect not such a good career move
Only the best people, reduced to appearing on a failing web channel. And not appearing very well. Such a legacy Dear Leader has already given us.
But Spicer is obviously not angling for a job at Blaze (That is Glenn Beck’s channel ?) .
I for one rest a lot easier knowing that Delta Delta Delta is finally in charge of the executive branch.
Dang, you know he is blasted when you realize he is so drunk he looks like a drunk trying to act drunk.
Paging Foster Brooks, Paging Mr. Foster Brooks!
I’m glad I didn’t watch the speech. After reading about it, it wasn’t even interesting enough to want to drink, so what’s up with Spicey?
Your day of reckoning is also coming, Sarah
From the Trump hotel, should have been from the crotch of Trump’s tighty whities, plenty of room in there for these two bloated douchbags.
It’s like the Friers club or the Dean Martin roast just with the additional stupid Trump touch. At least they were a lot more topical and funnier.
Honestly, I can’t watch this stuff.
What’s up with the matching blondes in red suits hanging on Bolling’s shoulder?
Audience attractors.
JFC! That has to be the worst impression of Melissa McCarthy I have ever seen!
Sean Spicer seems like the kind of guy who would masturbate to pics of Mamie Eisenhower.
Symmetry, Bolling likes symmetry…
Many an insight can be found at the bottom of an empty Scotch glass.
Palin had her WTF moments while Trump used her in 2016 before tossing her away, moments where she sounded intoxicated on something, but it’s rare to see a public figure, however minor and disgraced, on camera so obviously plastered. They say he was halfway professional once, and he’s probably going to wince if he sees this tape. I know I would.
Life’s hard being reduced to sweeping the floor at Chuck E Cheese after everyone’s gone home…