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I am so happy now that other countries respect and fear the US so much…
Funny how much collision sounds like collusion…
All that’s missing is “u”, Donnie…
Russians charge at American Navy - Navy yields.
I’m going to go out on a limb, and say Trump will apologize to his boss.
I swear that, when the camera zoomed in on the crew of the Russian ship in the first video, I saw Dana Rohrabacher standing amongst them.
technical note: the Navy captioning in the tweets appears incorrect.
the Russian ship is “Admiral Vinogradov” DD 572, and the type is a “Udaloy I” destroyer.
I’m not sure, there is such a thing as “Right of Way” the CNN quotes.
Q-Tip was right behind her. Mother Pence will not be happy about that…
Says the troll who’s infamous for spreading the disinformation spouted by Russian trolls since 2015.
We sure that’s a russkie ship, and not just the name they painted over the John McCain?
And you just know being such a cheap bastard, Donnie declined the collision coverage.
LOL. Exactly the kind of reply I expected. Completely avoiding the actual subject and going straight for the McCarthyism.
But he did get the collusion coverage.
Yep, it’s called the United States Supreme Court…
Typically it is this:
You must give way to another vessel on your starboard. ( right)
If you meet head on, both vessels must turn to starboard. ( right)
Chiselin’ Trump: “I don’t see why they wouldn’t!”
Was the actual subject the fact that you should never be allowed to pilot a boat?
Also typically, the overtaking vessel must give right of way.
Thanks, the Russian is at starboard here.
Wikipedia, FWIW,