Discussion: Watch Rand Paul Say Repeatedly That Carter Was Better On Spending Than Reagan

Discussion for article #221897

Thats the dirty little secret the right doesnt want you to know. It was Carter that started most of the deregulation that Reagan gets credit for. The airline industry is but one example

Reached for comment Paul’s spokesman disavowed the video evidence, saying; “No, no. Everyone knows that Rand doesn’t write what he says. That was clearly plagiarized in error…Randall was still hot and heavy with the Aqua Buddha at the time.”

Carter was also better on Employment. There were more jobs created during the Carter Administration than during any consecutive four years of the two Reagan terms.

Don’t ever tell the truth to liars, Randal. Tell them what they long to hear.

In a way it would be sad if Paul was taken down not for the nonsense he spews, but for something he got right. If you can’t acknowledge the simple math the deficits exploded due to Reagan’s policies, are there any facts that can be acknowledged. Oh course Paul would backtrack by blaming Congress, expect there was a conservative majority thanks to all the Dixiecrats, and Reagan got what he wanted.

Well…besides being 100% factual we also know Rand Paul is good at math.

He better dumb it down if he wants to be elected nationally because the BS wave that Reagan was anything but a puppet is about to head back out to sea.